2022-11-02 7:46 AM
2022-11-02 11:09 AM
? code press </>
2022-11-09 6:17 AM
You can BLE_HeartRate example available in STM32CubeWB package which allow to enter in stop mode and wake up when a button is pressed.
Best Regards
2024-02-29 1:24 AM
Hi, I'm trying on stop mode lately, and also encountered with this problem.
I searched a lot and finally found a error description in page 12 of document "stm32wb55xxstm32wb35cx-device-errata" which is related to this error.
Incorrect exit from Stop modes when the DBGMCU/DBG_STOP is enabled
When DBG_STOP is set in the microcontroller debug unit (DBGMCU), systick is still running and can trigger the
CPU to exit Stop 0, Stop 1, or Stop 2, but the system remains in low power state. The CPU therefore fetches
incorrect data from the inactive Flash which will generate a hard fault.
Disable systick before entering in Stop mode when DBG_STOP is set in DBGMCU.
So the solution is add HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStopMode(); before entering STOP mode. It is proved to work on my board.
Maybe this answer is too late for you, but I hope it will help other developers.