2021-07-01 7:10 AM
Nucleo-L073RZ board and I-Nucleo-LRWAN1 (USI module) shield - as supplied as the "Sensor" part of the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 kit:
The documentation refers to I-CUBE-LRWAN at v1.2.2; in v2.0.0 (March 2021), the directory structure has changed somewhat.
I assume the correct path for the "Sensor" node project is now:
Can anyone confirm if this actually works?
At the moment, mine doesn't seem to be sending any AT commands from the Nucleo board to the USI shield...
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-07-26 8:47 AM
OK, we see that the join has been accepted... 254 is the response to the battery level request and data has been send to the 99 port.. keep me info on the TTN result
2021-07-02 3:36 AM
It seems that this does not work.
I am sniffing the D0 (modem Tx) and D1 (modem Rx) pins with two TeraTerm instances.
With the original firmware as supplied, I could see AT commands & responses.
After building & downloading the LoRaWAN_AT_Master project in CubeIDE 1.5.1, when the Nucleo is reset, I see a junk character from it, which is echoed by the modem, and the modem then gives its <cr>#<space> prompt, but the Nucleo then never sends any AT commands:
(this represents several resets)
Stepping in the CubeIDE is useless (optimisation?), but I can see that HAL_UART_Transmit is being called to send "ATE=0\r", and it seems to return OK.
But no AT command is actually seen at the pins.
The code then, of course, just hangs waiting for the response.
A colleague has seen exactly the same behaviour in his own setup (ie, target different hardware and different host) - so it's not just something wrong with my setup.
Going back to I-CUBE-LRWAN v1.3.1, building, downloading, and running its AT_Master project, it works as the original shipped firmware:
So it seems that the issue is with the v2.0.0 code?
Although not shown in the screenshot, there is also a "junk" character from the Nucleo on startup/reset with the v1.3.1 code.
And it was the same with the shipped firmware.
2021-07-02 9:57 AM
2021-07-02 10:16 AM
all related and none of them had the solution !
2021-07-02 10:38 AM
Indeed: looks like ST released this in March 2021 and it has never worked!
2021-07-02 12:33 PM
I guess even worse.. because most of them older than March
2021-07-05 1:49 AM
It seems that, indeed, this has never worked:
It's using the wrong UART: it’s using LPUART1 – but the I-Nucleo-LRWAN1 is connected to USART2 !
This is correctly configured in sys_conf.h:
But sys_conf.h is not included by usart.c!
If I add the missing include:
it does then use the correct USART:
But, when I download & run that, I get a Hard Fault somewhere in Master_LED_Modem_Init:
(in one of the HAL_GPIO_... calls)
The behaviour is the same in STM32CubeIDE v1.5.1 and v1.6.1 (the latest).
Again, the code from I-Cube-LRWAN pack v1.3.1 works on exactly the same setup - so this is not a hardware issue, nor an issue with the USI module.
2021-07-12 7:57 AM
Hello Andrew,
I do response and will do support to solve the current problem. Effectively by default UART was the LPUART1 due to the missing of initial definition of USART2 which is defined in "sys-conf.h" file. Do include "sys-conf.h" statement in uart.c file. To solve the hard fault (I do have to check completely why) do disable the debug mode ( in sys_app.c the DBG_Init() function). In addition in the Gpio_PreInit() function put in comment the two "__HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_DISABLE()" and "__HAL_RCC_GPIOC_CLK_DISABLE() " statement. To see if you have activities on PA2 (UART2_Rx )/ PA3 (UART2_Tx) pins, best way is to connect a FTDI chip cable USB/UART . I'm working on the problem to solve the issue by this week
2021-07-13 3:31 AM
@JCOUP thanks for the reply.
"disable the debug mode"
But I do want debug access!
"To see if you have activities on PA2 (UART2_Rx )/ PA3 (UART2_Tx) pins, best way is to connect a FTDI chip cable USB/UART"
Yes, that's what I'm doing - see the post of July 2, 2021 at 12:00 PM: D1 = PA2 = USART2_TX; D0 = PA3 = USART2_RX
2021-07-13 4:30 AM
Did you check with "__HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_DISABLE()" and "__HAL_RCC_GPIOC_CLK_DISABLE()" in comment. When you do spying on PA2 or PA3, Try to either spy PA2 or spy PA3 but not both in the same time. For example just see if the AT cmd is well sent