2021-09-22 8:02 AM
I have a P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 and I have downloaded the I-CUBE-LRWAN expansion software.
Using the project "STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V2.1.0 \ Projects \ NUCLEO-L073RZ \ Applications \ LoRaWAN \ LoRaWAN_AT_Master \ STM32CubeIDE \ LRWAN_NS1" and following the procedure indicated on the file "readme.txt" on the VCOM port I cannot send and receive anything. I also tried to use the "LoRaWAN_End_Node / STM32CubeIDE" project but there is no project related to my SX1278 model. Instead the Gateway works perfectly. I've read all the existing documentation but can't get it to work. What i can do?
Edit: by enabling DEBUGGER_ON in "sysconf.h" I can see this but I can't send AT commands
2021-09-23 11:27 AM
Ok, I was able by reading the source codes to set it up correctly.
2021-10-01 6:03 PM
is it possible for you to share what was the changes/configs that you had been done? many thanks in advance. reha
2022-02-27 8:27 AM
Lrwan3 NS1 AT_Master
Hi, same problem, can't send AT command through Vcom, tried to connect ftdi device on port Uart1, same result. Any idea ? Thanks
2022-09-01 11:28 AM
please can you help us to resolve the same problem. in fact which configuration do you execute in order to resolve the problems. thnaks a lot :)
2022-09-01 5:12 PM
J'ai eux un problème sur mon kit lorawan 3 ou mon device stm32l073rz n'a pas pu communiqué avécu la gateway stm32F746zg,le message afficher join Failed !!
2024-07-01 12:22 PM - edited 2024-07-01 1:59 PM
For some reason The LRWAN_NS1 app crashes ("not responding, not responding...") when calling function DBG_Init(), whatever DEBUGGER_ON value is previously set (0 or 1).
Hack/solution that works: comment out DBG_Init() in file Core/Src/sys_app.c. You should see the AT command logs again on you terminal. But configuring them (freq region, for instance), as already observed by many, still doesn't work by sending AT commands from then terminal.
Rather than that, manually changing the the values in LoRaWan/master_app.c also do the trick.
2024-11-01 11:16 AM
Hi YB,
I noticed your post regarding to setting up the P-NUCLEO-LORAWAN3 kit. Just wondering which network server you were using to make it work? I am trying to use eu1.loriot.io, however my end device always failed to join the network server. I can see my gateway is online and seems the network server received the join request, however, I did not see any Join Accept acknowledgement sent back to my device. I am using EU433 band. Just wondering if you have any idea what might cause the problem for the device not being able to join?