2025-01-24 10:45 AM
I am currently using Zephyr v3.7.0 to program the Nucleo STM32WBA55CG board running BLE peripheral based application.
Since our project has flash and RAM constraints, I would like to explore the peripheral only BLE library to reduce the memory footprint.
Thus, could you share the workflow as how to switch from the full BLE library to the peripheral library tailored towards Zephyr v3.7.0
Thanks, Kaiwalya
2025-01-26 11:53 PM
Hi Kaiwalya
I think you will find answer on expected workflow on past ticket discussed 00222168 | Case | Salesforce
Here we were dealing with basic stack but you can redo the same with peripheral only one.
At link layer you need to select : LinkLayer_BLE_Peripheral_Only _lib
At host stack : stm32wba_ble_stack_po
How to :
Modify modules/hal/stm32/zephyr/module.yml file to:
- Recover “LinkLayer_BLE_Basic_lib.a” and “stm32wba_ble_stack_llobasic.a” libs
- Update the sha256
Modify ephyr_latest\modules\hal\stm32\lib\stm32wba\CMakeLists.txt file to:
- Replace “ LinkLayer_BLE_Full_lib.a” by “LinkLayer_BLE_Basic_lib.a” and "stm32wba_ble_stack_llo.a" by "stm32wba_ble_stack_llobasic.a"
For the sha256 you can use the one here, generated using sha256sum.exe over GitBash.
2025-01-27 10:49 AM
This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance. We'll contact you directly.
2025-01-27 1:31 PM
Unfortunately, I could not find the perpheral only lib files within the v1.3.1 package which was told to be compatible with Zephyr v3.7.0.
Is the v1.4.1 package also backwards compatible to Zephyr v3.7.0? (I faced some linker issues while building my application, could you please confirm)
Thanks, Kaiwalya