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Getting a warning that - Device under test not responding COM port closed - when trying to connect the STM32CubeMonitor-RF to the WB55 Nucleo or Dongle.


Using either the default program or programming the BLE_TransparentMode default hex file results in this error. I have both a windows 10 and macOS 10.14.4 machine that I get this result. The VCOM port doesn't seem to be the issue as I can program and see the units. Any help would be much appreciated!

ST Employee

​Hello BGoathals

This error usually means that tool has no answer from device.  In this case the log will look like this :


The tool has tried to contact the target, but there was no answer after few seconds.

There could be various causes for this :

  • Not using the Transparent Mode. The tool rely on transparent mode software to communicate with the STM32WB. On Nucleo and USB Dongle kit, the default program is not  transparent mode. Transparent Mode must be used.
  • opening the wrong com port : It is good to check in the device manager if the virtual com port is visible with the same number. (The tool shows all serial ports of the computer).
  • the transparent mode is not running properly. If the software is crashed on the target, the tool have no answer
  • the serial path is not correct : Nucleo should be connected by the ST-Link port and jumpers TX RX should be present. 
  • For USB dongle the Transparent mode has been used instead of BLE_TransparentModeVCP
  • For user pcb, the uart used is not the same as nucleo, or not properly configured.
  • For USB dongle, the VCP driver is not installed (it is not the same as the ST-Link driver)

There is an overview of the connection in the user manual (UM2288, chapter 2)  You may find some clues in this doc, and it should help to understand the connection path.

Best regards


Hello @stephane.legargeant​ ! I think this problem concerns to me too. But to use the transparent mode? I'm using stm32wb55 and I want to connect it with my phone.

Associate II

@BGoathals​ @stephane.legargeant​ @Kolab​ Have you found any solution to the problem, e.g. how to set a transparent mode?

@MPiot.1​  I really forgot how I overcame this issue(issues were a lot :) ) but I get an idea. On the STM32CubeWB folder look for the folder BLE_TransparentMode and look at the readme, it may help.

@Kolab​ Thank you for your reply. The point is I cannot find the mentioned folder, as well as I do not see the directory containing the examples, which could be also helpful.

just type on the browser STM32CubeWB

clicking on the st link you will redirected to the download page

@Kolab​ Found it, but even uploading the recompiled binary does not work, CubeMonitor RF does not find the COM port at all. Would you e so nice to share any working project file?

Hello MPiot.1

As indicated by @Kolab​ , the software "transparent mode" delivered in STM32CubeWB. For a Nucleo board, it is in Projects\P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo\Applications\BLE\BLE_TransparentMode

What board are you using ? Nucleo, USB dongle or custom board ?

You should check that computer detects the virtual com port : i.e. for windows, check in device manager if the com port is detected.


Dear @stephane.legargeant​ I am using STM32WB55 Nucleo board. I activated the Virtual Port Com in project configuration and it is detected both in Windows Device Manager and in CubeMonitor-RF but when clicking "connect" button I receive the warning "Could not open COM port".