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ASPEP MCP protocol implementation

shane mattner

[VERSION]: 6.3.0
[TOOL]: Firmware, ASPEP, Motor Control Protocol Suite
[DETAILS]: Cannot send commands and read from MCU over ASPEP other than BEACON and PING
[EXPECTED BEHAVIOR]: Emulate Motor Pilot
[HOW TO REPRODUCE]: Download script attached, change file type to .py and run


I am unable to send/receive commands other than BEACON and PING to the mcu.  By using a script that @VOgne.1  posted on 2022-10-15 I had a basis for the logic and got some response from the MCU over a serial port.  I've attached the script below named "serialConnectionProtocol.txt".


After reading through the documentation (MC_SDK_6.3.0/Documentation/html/md_docs_2_motor_01_control_01_protocol_01_suite.html#connection-procedure) I figured out I need to send 2 BEACON commands to connect to the device, one to get data from the device, the copying that data and sending it back to the device.

Now I'd like to send a command or read a value and that's not working.  The MCU is not responding to packets after the ping command.

Here's the bytes I get from the current python script:


shane@shane-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon-Gen-10:~/Desktop/skip_repos/electronics/Test_Firmware$ sudo python3 EVSPING4-ACT_oct_1/python_scripts/ 
connected to: /dev/ttyACM1
Sending to serial: F5 FF FF AF
Read from serial: b'\x05\xc3\x00\xd4'
Sending to serial: 05 C3 00 D4
Read from serial: b'\x05\xc3\x00\xd4'
Sending to serial: 06 00 00 60
Read from serial: b'6\x00\x00\x90'
Packet number: 0, ipID: 0, cbit: 1, Nbit: 0
Sending to serial: F9 00 00 30 09 00 89 00 01 91 00 F4 01 99 00 2C 01 00 00
Read from serial: b''
Warning: Expected 4 bytes, got 0
Failed to read from serial
Sending to serial: 89 00 00 20 11 00 89 00 91 00 99 00
Read from serial: b''
Warning: Expected 4 bytes, got 0
Failed to read from serial



I've also attached the bytes I sniffed from running the Motor Profiler and Motor Pilot.  Both of those show that they send BEACON commands and then a PING command. 

Both the Pilot and Profiler get a different response for the PING command of 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x90.  Whereas the python script gives me 0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x90.  So perhaps there is some error there but I'm sending the same 0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60 that the Profiler and Pilot do.


Then I tried manually sending 49 00 00 70 10 00 28 00, as that is the next byte sequence sent by the Profiler and Pilot. 

Any help would be appreciated.  Here are some links to other forum posts and a github repo that claims to have implemented the protocol in C:
- this post has a link to the python script with is the bases for ``

Associate II



The transmission of an ASPEP Packet starts with the Header. Least significant bits are transmitted first.

If the packet has a payload, an Intra Packet Pause delay is inserted after the last bit of the Header has been transmitted and before the first bit of the Payload is sent. The duration of this pause, TIPP, is not specified here. It would typically be 1 ms in the Controller to Performer direction and 0 ms in the Performer to Controller direction. This pause is sized so that the Performer has the time to properly set the hardware configurations it needs in order to receive the payload with a minimum CPU load expenditure. As an example, this pause should let enough time for the Performer to process the Header, to determine whether a payload is to be expected and, if it is the case, to configure the UART and its attached DMA properly to receive that payload. See

Thanks for the reply @RikB .  Re-implementing the MCP has been a real pain.  I discovered the pause and read through the documentation but it's been difficult to write python code to actually spin the motor.  I've gotten connect/disconnect  and a few other commands to work but not able to spin a motor yet. 

Any chance someone has working python code that can send commands to spin a motor?

Associate II

I started with your Phyton code, but the communication seems not stable. Even with the pause, sometimes the request for f.i. motorname failed.

I switched to C++, and now all communication is stable.

I used the serial lib: as a base. 


I assume it has something to do with the serial lib in Python (I used pyserial).I'm not an expert in Python programming


A snapshot here from my C++ code (similar output as the motorpilot). Motorpilot is very handy for understanding MCP/ASPEP and debugging.




Thank you @RikB. I will try to switch to the C++ library and see if that makes a difference.  I managed to finally get a motor to spin yesterday by playing back a recorded byte session from Motor Pilot to the board, but still unsure how to stop the motor haha.


Associate II

This is probably a silly question from what I read so far, but here it goes:

Is there any available C or C++ library implementing the ASPEP protocol from the controller side ?


Not that I'm not aware of.


I build a primitive application myself. 

Associate II

Is ASPEP an ST proprietary or created protocol ?

Strange that they don't provide more support on the controller side.

ST provides the firmware that for protocol that the processor uses.  So you can figure out the entire protocol by analyzing the firmware and the documentation.  But it's been a real pain so far.


I'm not sure what ST is thinking.  And honestly it's left a bad taste in my mouth about using ST for motor control. I use ST chips because they provide good drivers.  If I have to do a bunch of work myself I'll just use the TI chip that works pretty easily.  Feels like it's classic really poor non-technical management decisions going on in a big company.

I've been complaining to ST through their support tickets and possibly making progress.  They said a lot of people have been asking for the driver. So if you want to email them it might help us finally get these drivers.