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BLE Server and Router Configuration

Associate III

How can I make sure that the the router and server should work in a pair with no cross connection. Now I know both of these work as I can see on ST toolbox but how can I check if the are connected among them selves . I earlier modified an example to trigger data transmission using push button . I am able to understand the server but I have no idea what and how can I deal with router. I need this router to accept data from Server . add some more data to it and then share it to my phone.


I am currently using  two  stm 32wb5mm DK one as a server and other as a router.

ST Employee

Hello @Rituraj 

In fact, everything is mentioned on the ReadMe file of the STM32CubeWB/Projects/P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo/Applications/BLE/BLE_p2pRouteur at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB ( If you are looking for other modifications, you have to understand how it is configured and try to add your new data.

Best Regards.


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I have already read it a number of times. The issue is that the readme file says to use ST BLE STARNET application which is not available for Android 13 or Android 14 . I am trying to connect via ST BLE Toolbox but thats not helping me at all. Is there an alternative for ST BLE STARNET.