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[BLE RSSI] Reading RSSI value uint8_t

Associate II

Hello, I am working with STM32WBA52CG as a central and I want to read the RSSI from the incoming advertising packets. The RSSI value should be a negative value in dBm, however it is defined as uint8_t in the AdvertisingReport_t structure. Can someone explain me how to get the correct RSSI value? I am getting the values shown on the terminal below.

... } bleAppContext.BleApplicationContext_legacy.connectionHandle = p_conn_complete->Connection_Handle; GATT_CLIENT_APP_Set_Conn_Handle(0, p_conn_complete->Connection_Handle); /* USER CODE BEGIN HCI_EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE */ /* USER CODE END HCI_EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE */ break; /* HCI_LE_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_SUBEVT_CODE */ } case HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_SUBEVT_CODE: { hci_le_advertising_report_event_rp0 *p_adv_report; p_adv_report = (hci_le_advertising_report_event_rp0 *) p_meta_evt->data; UNUSED(p_adv_report); /* USER CODE BEGIN HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT */ uint8_t rssi = p_adv_report->Advertising_Report[0].RSSI; LOG_INFO_APP("RSSI from struct: %d , ", rssi); /* USER CODE END HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT */ break; /* HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_SUBEVT_CODE */ } ...

 Screenshot from 2024-02-12 10-41-02.png


What does the documentation tell you?

Associate II

The RSSI parameter in the AdvertisingReport_t structure is defined in this way. It is defined as uint8_t but it should be a negative value.

... /** * RSSI (signed integer). * Units: dBm. * Values: * - 127: RSSI not available * - -127 ... 20 */ uint8_t RSSI; } Advertising_Report_t;


The RSSI parameter in the AdvertisingReport_t structure is defined in this way. It is defined as uint8_t but it should be a negative value.


/** * RSSI (signed integer). * Units: dBm. * Values: * - 127: RSSI not available * - -127 ... 20 */ uint8_t RSSI; } Advertising_Report_t;

As far as transporting it over the air, it's just a byte.

When it comes to using it, cast it to int8_t ?

Take a look a the chip documentation - does that give any clues?

If it is just a byte, a value such as 74 does not make sense. As per chip documentation there is no clear information about this RSSI value interpretation.

ST Employee

Hi Portilha 

In fact, the structures of the type "hci_le_advertising_report_event_rp0" mapped to the RAM buffer were not designed to do this.

For the RSSI, you need to use the following macro:

/* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* -------------------------------- * * [retrieved from ble_legacy file] * Macro to get RSSI from advertising report #0. * "p" must be a pointer to the event parameters buffer * -------------------------------- */ #define HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_RSSI_0(p) \ (*(int8_t*)((&((hci_le_advertising_report_event_rp0*)(p))-> \ Advertising_Report[0].Length_Data) + 1 + \ ((hci_le_advertising_report_event_rp0*)(p))-> \ Advertising_Report[0].Length_Data))

==>app_ble.c :

int8_t rssi = HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_RSSI_0(p_meta_evt->data);

Clarifications will be added to the code regarding this subject in the upcoming releases.

BR, Joé

I have exported that macro to file "ble.h" and I am using it on the SVCCTL_App_Notification function in file "app_ble.c", however the RSSI value keeps returning 0 all the time. Can you clarify?

... case HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_SUBEVT_CODE: { hci_le_advertising_report_event_rp0 *p_adv_report; p_adv_report = (hci_le_advertising_report_event_rp0 *) p_meta_evt->data; UNUSED(p_adv_report); /* USER CODE BEGIN HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT */ int8_t rssi = HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_RSSI_0(p_meta_evt->data); LOG_INFO_APP("RSSI %d\r\n", rssi); // parse_advData(&p_adv_report->Advertising_Report->Data, p_adv_report->Advertising_Report->Length_Data, p_adv_report->Advertising_Report->Length_Data, // &p_adv_report->Advertising_Report->Address, rssi); /* USER CODE END HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT */ break; /* HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_SUBEVT_CODE */ } ...

What version of MCU Package are you using? The v1.0.0?

Have you tried starting from a release app and only adding these modifications to it?

I am using the Firmware version 1.2.0, according to STM32CubeIDE. What do you mean by starting from a release app? I am using the BLE project examples provided by ST like P2PServer, P2PClient, etc.