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BLE Data Transfer between TWO STM32WB

Associate II

I want to configure a stm32wb as BLE central and other as BLE peripheral such that they can exchange data. The combination of all this data also needs to be sent to a mobile phone. Can anyone suggest me a MOOC or may be a document that can  be used as a manual to perform this task.

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

Your title says said "Pairing", but your post just talks about exchanging data - which one are you actually asking about?

(BLE can exchange data without pairing)


Title now edited.

Sorry if I used a wrong term.  Basically, I want to connect two stm32wb  to each other via BLE  so data from sensors can be sent from one of these to other and the later can also transfer the data to a mobile phone via BLE.


ST Employee

Hello @Rituraj 

For Such an application, You can use the examples of the STM32CubeWB/Projects at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB ( For implementing a central, server or peripheral node. You can also refer to the Wiki pages mentioned on this post. Also, you can find a lot of playlists on our Chanel in YouTube.

Best Regards.


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