2017-02-15 2:27 AM
Hey there.
I am experimenting with LoRaWAN (the things network) and the STM32L053C8 discovery board.
I set up my sysclock to MSI 2 MHz and the systick interrupt to count up 10000 times a second (100us ticks).
This is required by the lmic library to provide accurate timing for 2 receive windows.
The problem is, that both of the receive windows time out every time. So the question is if it's possible that the clock is that inaccurate or maybe i did some wrong in the configuration.
Would be very nice if someone could have a look at my code.
Code is attached as eclipse project.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards, Rob
#lorawan #sx1276 #clock-hsi-msi-lsi #system-clock #systick #lora