2020-08-03 5:19 PM
I am developing a small project to which I decided to add a USB-HOST in MSC (Mass Storage Class) mode, with the intention of adding a USB pen drive, obviously I require the use of FATFS (USB-DISK mode) drivers. However, the Touch v4.14 compiler gave me the error:
Core / Src / main.c: 25: 10: fatal error: fatfs.h: No such file or directory #include "fatfs.h"
I did not understand why, if KEIL v5.31 did not throw any error.
I tried several movements but I continued without favorable results
until you remember the famous "makefile" of the touchgfx, explore it and try again adding the path where the file was and "done" was all
2020-08-03 5:54 PM
Just add the following lines marked in black, which correspond to the paths where the * .h are that the TouchGFX did not compile and the Keil did.
I hope to be helpful!
board_include_paths := Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F7xx/Include \
Drivers/CMSIS/Include \
Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS \
Drivers/Components/ft5336 \
Drivers/BSP \
FATFS/Target \
Middlewares/Third_Party/FatFs/src \
Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Host_Library/Core/Inc \
Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Host_Library/Class/MSC/Inc \
2020-08-04 1:14 AM
Hi @Miguel Moran
This is because the simulator knows nothing about FATFS or any other hardware specific code. You need to exclude that from your code using the directive
#ifndef SIMULATOR and basically write dummy code to be used when in simulation.