2023-03-28 8:20 AM
I have tried many times to configure touchGFX with cubeMx, and I was finally almost successful. My screen is 1024*600, and the driver chip is EK79001.
Now the widgets shown on display are distorting(the image seems right), as below:
But my designer is the following:
the LTDC parameters and the datasheet are as below:
I really don't know, why this happened, could you help me?
Thanks a lot.
2023-03-31 3:26 AM
@Community member
Thanks for such a detailed explanation.
I already try to display 2 squares (just 2 boxes, nothing updated), but the display is also distorting.
I think changing the color format to L8 from RGB565 is a good try.
Anyway, I will tell you the latest result.
Thanks again and have a good weekend.