2020-01-16 9:45 AM
I'm developping an UI on a STM32L4R9 custom board with a LCD display; and I need to place image resources in an external HyperFlash Cypress memory (ref: S26KL128SDABHI020), using an OctoSpi interface, configured in HyperBus mode.
I need an external loader to program this flash directly from STM32CubeIDE, as for the internal flash.
Do you have already developped this kind of external loader, or something approaching ?
If yes, I would be really faster for my development !
2020-01-16 9:48 AM
You'd have to write one for the part/wiring you have selected.
Step#1 would be to write your own app level code to bring up the interface and interact with the IC, basically get the read, write, erase, and quad mode tested/exercised.
2020-01-16 9:58 AM
Yes, I already catched it; but my question is more: Has somebody already developped external HyperFlash loader fro STM32 ?
The goal is to save time !
2020-01-16 11:20 AM
Not a part I'm personally using, and can't socket/fixture it.
Built an assortment of other external loaders, with parts I can socket as SOP2-16 300mil
2020-08-03 3:51 AM
Hi @Greg ,
Did you got external loader working? Could you save my time and share your implementation to me?
I need external loader, but I haven't got even reading and writing to work yet with my HyperBus flash chip.