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Using touchgfx without external RAM

Associate III

I designed a GUI on stm32f746 discovery board and programmed the board successfully and GUI worked perfectly, now I want to redesign the GUI and my programm to be able to use a custom board which doesn't have an external RAM

at first I disabled the MX_FMC_Init fuction but the display is black and nothing shows up, then I read the article below and followed the instruction but display went black again.

I'm a beginner and I would be very gratefull if anyone guides me how to config the CubeMX and touchgfx to work without external RAM.


O now I get what you meant,

I made these changes you mentioned in touchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp file, but the output is the same :(

extern uint16_t framebuffer[400*100*3];
void TouchGFXGeneratedHAL::initialize()
    setFrameBufferStartAddresses((void*)framebuffer, (void*)0, (void*)0);

How you build your project? Because when in TouchGFX, then generated files is overwrited on each build. Your changes is removed.

I recommend use IDE . and you dont write where yuo place line in main?

HAL_LTDC_SetAddress(&hltdc, (uint32_t*)framebuffer, LTDC_LAYER_1);

As simple test add memset(framebuffer,55,4800); //this make some gray part on screen when buffer works.

Too i recomm use debuger and check if your code work and not halt in an hardfault...

Why 400*100*3 ?

Associate II

Hi @ETale.1​ 

May be it is now too late to post an answer

I was also looking to use Touchgfx without external RAM as my application has very minimal graphics. This post helped me a lot to poke at the right places

Here is what I did

  • Open Cube MX configurator
  • Change to single buffer and by allocation

  • This would update TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp as described in here Framebuffer Strategies | TouchGFX Documentation
  • What they dont post is that there is another file TouchGFXHAL.cpp which is not generated and overrides whatever was changed in the base TouchGFXGeneratedHAL class
  • So, we need to comment out the following two lines in the TouchGFXHAL.cpp file below
void TouchGFXHAL::initialize()
    // Calling parent implementation of initialize().
    // To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
    // and implemented needed functionality here.
    // Please note, HAL::initialize() must be called to initialize the framework.
// Commented out
    // setFrameBufferStartAddresses((void*)0xC0000000, (void*)0xC003FC00, (void*)0xC007F800);  //enable the animation storage to allow slide animations
    // lockDMAToFrontPorch(false);

  • Now, you have to modify the linker files and create a section named 'TouchGFX_Framebuffer' which is the name used by the code generator
  • Modify STM32F746NGHX_RAM.ld
  RAM                 (xrw)     : ORIGIN = 0x20000000,    LENGTH = 64K
  // frame buffer is 255k long in my case
  RAM_FRAME_BUFFER    (xrw)     : ORIGIN = 0x20001000,    LENGTH = 256K
  FLASH               (rx)      : ORIGIN = 0x8000000,     LENGTH = 1024K
// add at the end
    /*Added for frame buffer */
    .TouchGFX_Framebuffer : {
       __TouchGFX_Framebuffer_start = .;
       __TouchGFX_Framebuffer_end = .;
  • Clean and build



Senior III

I am interested as well to know this. Would choosing partial framebuffer help in this case?


Could you maybe add in the "Idea zone" of this forum the demand of improvement of this article ? It makes sense to put a reminder that due to the hierarchy of the code the generated files can be overwritten by the user in the relevant files.


0693W00000AMRWmQAP.jpgPartial is usable only when LCD have own memory framebuffer. And too partial cant use acceleration. And one example of custom 1280x480 LTDC layer 0 image in flash, 1024x320 layer 1 320kB (internal ram) TouchGFX framebuffer with alpha 150.

hi ETale.1

are you got any solution

i am also stuck in same problem