2022-10-11 7:27 AM
I'm using touchGFX 4.20.0. In the file JPG the point wher the axis change about after 6800 point.
2022-10-11 9:02 AM
Can you download data into xls and check if isnt real and no scale change...
Or simulate data for example rectangle 12000 points and show result
2022-10-12 2:00 AM
The data are OK.
I found out this morning that the problem is related to the frame rate.
I add a graph point each frame rate, after about 2,5 minutes the frame rate change itself from 20,8 mS at about 50 mS. So the data showed on the graph is seem compressed.
But now the question is: why the frame rate chenge itself ?
If I comment the istruction: graphPLETISMO.addDataPoint(par_OXIMETRY_W.PPG);
the frame rate NON change !
So the proble is in the widget "dinamic graph"
How is possible to resolve the issue ?
2023-02-06 2:28 AM
Marco, did you solve this problem?
Because I have the same problem, the frame rate of axis x changes itself.