2019-04-30 5:19 AM
i have to move from dev board to final product still on STM32F429 but the 320x240 display has different controllers: NV3035C & FT5426
the link will still be RGB (maybe RGB666) with Hsync e Vsync (is clk needed too?) as per the LCD pinout here:
i failed to find hits on google. anyway i suppose it should work out. the general hints are clear:
then only thing i wonder is about the "init cmd sequence" [*] to be sent on the "half duplex" SPI bus. trial and error is a way, but i'm open to hear about past experiences.
of course also the touchscreen could need an effort.
the FT5426 controller has the typical connection I2C/IRQ/RESET .. so i suppose one can always find the way following these hints: https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204993932-Changing-to-a-different-touch-controller
thanx in advance for any advice
[*] i casually checked the ILI9341 init on the discovery board and i found a number of cmd sent. some with "register" unknown in the datasheet i found on net! :|
2019-05-01 12:57 AM
Hi @Community member,
Are you using the NV3035C in a serial (8bit) or parallel (24bit) setup? Probably the last since you're on an STM32F429.
Which display do you have currently? The hints given in that article are correct - If you're already coming from a parallel RGB setup then it will be an easy switch since you basically just need to get the display configuration right (porch configuration, pixel clock, etc) and get your VSYNC interrupt going which drives TouchGFX along.
Many of our touch controller implementations are based on ft5336 so yours may be similar and you should be able to get some inspiration there.
Let me know
Best regards,