2018-12-06 5:18 AM
Generating a cubemx project with touchgfx for STM32f429i disco board doesn't generate code ready to compilation for the simulator solution under TouchGFX\simulator\msvs
many error in compilation.
(problem to find touchgfx\framework\tools\imageconvert\build\msvs\ImageConvert.exe
and other .cpp files and includes path are wrong).
Can we expect a solution for that ?
Best regards
2018-12-06 6:25 AM
Please share your ioc file for check your issue.
May be the issue is with your project configuration and the Include paths is not set up properly or you are missing an include file. So, you'd want to review the defines, and include paths.
Kind Regards,
2018-12-06 6:43 AM
2018-12-06 9:22 AM
The .touchgfx file is a json format describing the TouchGFX project.
At the end of the file please find the parameter: "PostGenerateCommand"
Please add the the following argument: "touchgfx update_project --project-file=simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj"
Please make sure that the path to the .vcxproj is correct.
After this, please open the .touchgfx file with TouchGFX Designer, this will update the MSVS project with the correct include paths and the correct paths to converters.
2018-12-07 7:12 AM
thank for your reply,
so we mustn't generate code from touchgfx executed in cubemx because the line is allways re-written!!