2018-12-07 08:00 AM
I'm trying to use cubemx to setup a project to use STEMWIN on my nucleo 144 board; however, I'm having a problem with FMC setup, specifically, I get a yellow triangle on SDRAM1 and SDRAM2. I'm not exactly sure how to configure these for use with the HX8357C LCD display. I was looking in the datasheet for the display and it mentions is has 2 banks of ram, so that's what I specified in both SDRAMx sections, but I can't seem to get rid of the yellow warning triangles as it says I have a conflict, but what it is I don't know. Perhaps there's an example that I could build upon?
2018-12-09 12:39 AM
HX8357C is not RGB display!
2018-12-09 05:00 AM
Hmmmm, where did you come up with that response? Do a search for HX8357 datasheet and you will find that it is, indeed, a RGB 480 x 320 TFT LCD display! It is, in fact, very much like the ILI9481 display. Nevertheless, I was looking for information about configuring the SDRAM1/2 sections in CubeMx. Your answer is of no help, so why respond?