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TouchGFX Code generating and Simulator error

Associate II

I installed touch 4.10

select STM32429I-Disc1

after combining package:

1 At startup and when I pressed "Run Target" or "Generate Code" the program shows:

"Error during code generation".

2 When I pressed "Run Simulator":

"Unable to lounch simulator".

When forming a project from CubeMX, the same thing happens.

Does anyone know what's the matter?


Hi @Martin KJELDSEN​ ,

Im sorry. because im new for Touchgfx. so i dont know how i can do that. can you explain a little bit? :(

You have a TouchGFX environment installed along side the designer. You can execute make on our Makefiles to compile projects with gcc and arm-gcc. You should be able to find the program in your start menu,


Associate II

Hi @Martin KJELDSEN​ ,

I seen a makefile in my touchgfx project. (C:\TouchGFXProjects\myTest\gcc\Makefile)

should i added that your write code in this makefile?

sorry for my bad touchgfx info :( I am so new for touchgfx

Associate II

Hi again @Martin KJELDSEN​ ,

I understood how i can do environment and makefiles commands. but unfortunetly it was unsuccessfull.

I found some problems my project file. I added 2 files ; my home pc and my work pc screenshots. there is no some files such as build folders in my home pc. so i think touchgfx could not do compile and simulator. what do you think about that problem?

Associate II

this is my home pc screenshot's.

Associate II

sorry. this is my home pc screenshot.

Senior III

Hi. Jumping into the middle of this thread :)

Any reason as to why you are using the older version of the TouchGFX toolchain? The latest version is now 4.16.0. Been out of the loop for a bit and just updated my tools to the latest ST compiler and the TouchGFX 4.16.0. Ran a quick demo of the Pool Lights screen on our STM32F429 kit - ran fine.

Hope to use the latest suite of tools to build up some new code.

Can you upgrade your tools to the latest and just start with a simple example GUI?

So far from the very quick review today, the tools have come a long ways :) Very nice !!

Post your results after the upgrades..have the same kits here so perhaps we can help as we proceed with our development.

Associate II

Hi @Mon2​ , thanks for your jumping =)

Already i am using 4.16.0 version. I just added a box and button, after that run simulator. that is all. i attached the touchgfx folder of my project.

Also i just installed touchgfx. should i install another program with touchgfx?

Ok. Please try the following steps..
1) start a fresh project with TouchGFX. Select this kit. Be sure the picture of the kit matches your PCB.
2) once you are inside the TouchGFX canvas editor the first pull down menu and select Import GUI.
3) then select the Pool Lights demo gui.
4) Save All.
5) Select the Simulator. Do you see the pool lights graphics with an On / Off button? It should toggle the lightbulb color.
6) Quit the simulator with the top right X of the simulated screen.
7) Select Run Target. Does this compile ok and reflash your kit with the same demo? It should. Select the on / off to toggle the same light bulb graphic but all on your kit lcd.
Post your results. Post your error code if any.
We are on windows 10. Ran fine on our lab system and within minutes from start to finish. Will be working on this project at the office today.
Back to my beauty rest. Will check back later....
Associate II

Hi @Mon2​ ,

I made your suggests. I select and import "Pool Demo". gave below error ;

Run Simulator

  Copy Framework

    Copying TouchGFX framework version 4.16.0 to C:\TouchGFXProjects\MyApplication\Middlewares\ST\touchgfx



    Wrote config/gcc/

    Wrote config/msvs/Application.props

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontendApplicationBase.hpp

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontendHeapBase.hpp

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/SimConstants.hpp

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/main_screen/MainViewBase.hpp

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/pooltemp_screen/PoolTempViewBase.hpp

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/common/FrontendApplicationBase.cpp

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/main_screen/MainViewBase.cpp

    Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/pooltemp_screen/PoolTempViewBase.cpp

    Wrote generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile

    Wrote generated/simulator/include/simulator/mainBase.hpp

    Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx.props

    Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx_prebuild.targets

    Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx_sdl2.props

    Wrote generated/simulator/src/mainBase.cpp

    Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.ico

    Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.rc

    Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.res

    Wrote simulator/gcc/Makefile

    Wrote simulator/main.cpp

    Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.sln

    Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj

    Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj.filters


  Generate Assets

    make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8

    Sistem belirtilen yolu bulamiyor.

