2019-10-29 2:09 PM
can you upload a tutorial to setup the STM32F769I-DISCO Board with touchgfx support included in the stm32cubeide.
I downloaded the newest Toolchain but it is still very hard/ impossible to create a clean working project.
2019-10-31 6:01 AM
I won't write any guides that use the current version of CubeMX. I won't do it because we're working on something new that will change the way we do ports through CubeMX. Yes, it's very tricky to do ports for things that have external dependencies (SDRAM, QSPI, SPI/DSI displays). That won't change, but it will be easier for us to mitigate these difficulties and guide the user in what to do.
Have you tried using the .ioc file from the F769-DISCO Application template through the designer? And then creating a CubeIDE project? If you tell me some of the things you're facing maybe i can assist.
2019-11-02 9:28 AM
Hi Martin,
I'm sure you have a lot of things going on, but it seams that both recent updates - CubeIDE and TouchGFX - brake everything for F769I Discovery boards. The TouchGFX 4.12.3 does not generate working project (configuration). The older version of TouchGFX generates working project but when I try getting it imported to CubeIDE it fails miserably - there are all kinds of .c/.h files that should not be included or are duplicated in the project. IT takes forever to fix it manually by excluding the files from compilation. You are doing some impressive stuff with the STM32 platform, BUT the software seams not to be ready for prime time. Trying to release it as final release is somewhat unprofessional. At best, these are beta-quality releases and should be called that!
As for my workaround that seams to be the most consistent (I used it on two different platforms):
1) Make CubeMX project and get it to work as close as possible for the CubeIDE - getting the configuration is cumbersome no matter which way I go from TouchGFX project (problematic adjustments in CubeIDE) OR starting from scratch (requires tweaking configuration to make it work correctly - in particular TouchGFX part).
2) Once the CubeIDE compiles the project (after excluding a lot of files from build) - I keep the CubeID project config files backed-up to overwrite the auto-generated by CubeMX!!! It does not seams to ever work without manual fixes/workarounds.
3) Make separate TouchGFX project and design GUI in it. Generate code when it you make changes to GUI.
4) manually copy "generated" and "assets" in TouchGFX folder from TouchGFX-generated project to the CubeIDE project. Also, the "gui" folder needs to be copied/updated too, BUT BE CAREFUL to not overwrite your own code.
Hopefully that helps some people trying to get it to work
2019-11-04 10:46 AM
Hi Martin,
i tried to run the following tutorial by using the cubemx plugin in stm32cubeide.
I created a minimal gui with touchgfx by running touchgfx form inside the plugin.
To run into the GRAPHICS_MainTask i had to disable the MX_ETH_Init(), MX_SDMMC2_MMC_Init() and the MX_WWDG_Init() function.
You can see my final result in the picture. But the screen is blinking, i think the program is running into the watchdog.
And the content is rotated 180 degrees.
2019-11-18 11:52 AM
is there a date for the "something new " thing?
2019-12-03 4:43 PM
Hi, I am also having trouble with the 769 using TGFX, can you tell me how did you change the *FLASH.ld" file to account for QSPI memory size and enabling? The instructions in the tutorial that you posted, which is the same one I have been following, only address this for EWARN and not for CUBEIDE. You seem to have gotten farther than I have with this board so I wonder how you got there. From what the picture show, you should double check the settings for the layer in LTDC. While you are there, you may want to check the DSIHOST settings. Your result seem to have a memory config problem. Thanks
2021-04-05 2:21 AM
The above link does not exist.
Can you find a link for stm32769i-disco board development in stm32cubeide?
2021-04-06 1:35 AM
Have you tried creating a project in TouchGFX Designer ? When you select the application template for the STM32F769I-DISCO available in TouchGFX Designer a fully configured STM32CubeIDE project will be generated.
2021-04-06 5:54 PM
2021-04-07 12:03 AM
Thank for your answer!
I have already tested it with TouchGFX Designer and confirmed the normal operation.
However, while proceeding to STM32CubeIDE, the setting part, etc ...and generated were completed.
But it didn't work, and when i looked for it, i found out that Driver, interface, display initialization, etc... are needed.
so i asked.