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STM32f767Zi freezes when using strings

Karan Kolhe
Associate III

I am using freeRTOS , there are two threads one is for TouchGFX gui task and other for my main task.

I have given 4096*4 bytes of stack for each task and heap size in freeRTOS config is 65536

Now, when I declare a string controller freezes. I want to use strings to manipulate .Ini file . This looks like a memory overflow or something


Perhaps you could use a debugger or something?

Instrument the code, and output useful diagnostics if it gets a Hard Fault or ends up in the Error_Handler routine.​

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> Now, when I declare a string controller freezes.

How do you "declare strings" ?

"Freezes" is not very helpful. Use a debugger (or instrumentation) to check what fault is really happening, and where.

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