2018-03-02 1:32 PM
ST tells about STemWin implemented in CubeMX but whatever I try I cannot seem to get a STM32F103C8T6 project to have STemWin as middleware even though ILI9340 is among the LCD drivers inside the STemWin and STM32F103C8T6 has SPI that can be assigned.
I am not interested in evaluation boards having LCD's.
I possess an STM32F103C8T6 board.
I possess an QVGA ILI9340 TFT board 240x320 resolution.
Both are interconnectable: SPI. We know that.
There's no way to 'import' STemWin_Library_V1.2.0 into CubeMX. I tried. CubeMX refuses to accept it.
So, how can STemWin be part of the Middleware in the STM32F103C8T6 project inside CubeMX? It's ALWAYS empty.
No dissuasive advice please. No Arduino solutions please. I work with Ac6 Eclipse
also known as
SW4STM32 as I can see what is going on.Solutions with the STM32F103C8T6 board (aka BluePill) and the QVGA ILI9340 TFT board and preparation with CubeMX. At last resort implementation with Ac6 Eclipse (importing library and preperations) also known as SW4STM32.
#stm32f103xxxx #cubemx #ili9341 #stemwin #stm32cubemx #cubemx-stm32f103c8t6 #stm32f103c8xx #ili93402018-03-05 9:23 AM
,STemwin is not yet supported by STM32CubeMX.
So you will have to add it to your project.
There is aplan for such support but not yet available.
However, STemwin is supported in the STM32Cube packages and you may find
some STemWin applications withinSTM32CubeF1 firmware that will help you in your application.
Best Regards,