2018-01-15 6:46 PM
I found this function 'void GUI_JOYSTICK_StoreState(const GUI_PID_STATE * pState);' in GUI.h file which is STemWin library. But I can't find any information about it on STemWin manual. Can somebody explain it for me?
#stemwin2018-02-20 8:13 AM
The pointer input devices such as touch screen, mouse or joysticks calls the routine GUI_PID_StoreState.
This note is described in emWin user manual (page 1070) and GUI_PID_StoreState routine is explained.
Pointer input devices are devices such as mice, touch-screens and joysticks. Multiple pointer input devices can be used in a single application to enable simultaneous mouse/touch-screen/joystick use. Basically all a PID driver does is calling the routine GUI_PID_StoreState() whenever an event (such as a moved mouse, or a pressed touch screen) has been detected.
Best Regards,
2018-03-06 1:50 AM
The original emWin manual doesn't have
GUI_JOYSTICK_StoreState() this function. I found this function in ST project. I think it was added by ST.