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STM32CubeIDE's functional templates for QSPI External Loaders?


Hi all,

We are looking for a tool/software supplier for custom HMI. While still early into my research, it is my understanding that the only way to take advantage of TouchGFX an external loader is required to host assets, as most MCU's limited memory will be insufficient storage/space-wise.

Therefore, I'd like to ask if there are any functional STM32CubeIDE templates of External Loaders for given memory packages anywhere to be found? This would effectively need to be configurable for custom board designs using the STM32CubeIDE manufacturer's HAL drivers and standard pinouts (for obvious reasons), and not be forced to be proprietary of eval boards. (*I did asked our STM parts supplier and he claimed having no idea and referred to the community, hence my question)

I've already noticed some MOOC ST's video series on the subject however I've been advised to avoid as those do not work and requires days (if not weeks) of looping trial and errors, thus potentially leading to some rather significant financial and time losses. Is this correct?

Any other options to fast-track dev of External Loaders given to STM32 products customers?


ST Employee


I would recommend changing the Topic tags of your post to increase its visibility . This is not a TouchGFX issue and I do not know where to guide you sorry :grinning_face_with_sweat:, hopefully others will.


Senior II

Examples are included in Cubeprogrammer, or check ST GitHub.


@Romain DIELEMAN​ 

I'm eternally grateful for your honest answer, we've received the exact same answer from our STM part supplier (less the lol emoji) so this confirms our worst scenario. In these unfortunate circumstances we'll then have to abandon this project and look at other ootb hardware & software solutions for this particular product line & iterations. Thanks for the heads up, that's all we needed.

ps. your recommendation on the tags is appreciated, I've amended them. I've left TouchGFX in as it does concerns it. In a sense that External Loaders are quite vital add-ons shall one or more customers anticipate taking full advantage of the product. Unless of course a simple static text field and a button is required per-design then there is really no point in adding the TouchGFX overhead; a minimal Draw Line/Pixel c lib is more than capable of the same and quite sufficient.

I'll leave it to others to comment shall any constructive dev comes out of this. All the best to all!