‎2023-03-05 5:55 AM
Hi there !
I start to work with touchgfx 4.21.1 and i create my first program. I use (is the first time) STM32CubeIde i compile the program and everythingh work but when i try to download to my nucleo borard i receive this error message . I searc in internet i try a lot of stuff but without success . Please some one can help me ?
Thanks a lot
‎2023-03-07 8:57 PM
Hello @SGian.1​,
In your debug configuration you selected your stldr file in "Log to file" which is not the right place, as this is meant for a txt file which will receive the debug log. Actually it might have corrupted your file so I suggest you create a new touchgfx project which will generate a new stldr file. Then copy the file to ...\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_2.0.301.202207041506\tools\bin\ExternalLoader
Afterwards, it should be listed in the External loaders panel in debug config. If not, add it.
‎2023-03-07 11:40 PM
Like RBENF.1 said you need to add the external loader to STM32CubeIDE. You can find more info/the steps on this post.
‎2023-03-13 1:13 PM
first for the replace, i follow the tutorial but still have the same problem. the version of STM32cubeide is 1.12, i put the file inside this folder
any idea ?
Thanks a lot
‎2023-03-13 8:59 PM
Just to make sure did you add the file to the highlighted folder or to the tools\bin\ExternalLoader of it :grinning_face_with_sweat:It is surprising that you have 2 externaltools.cubeprogrammer folder as well. On my side, for STM32CubeIDE_1.12 I only have the second one ( the 0.600.202301161003). maybe try this one ? And then setting the correct external loader in the Debug settings.
‎2023-03-14 1:40 PM
I just unistall the program and install again the last version of STM32CubeIDE_1.12 i have only one folder 0.600.202301161003 but still gave me the same problem.I change the nucleo G071 whit STM32F429I Discovery (i did a new touchgfx progam) i dont have any problem work . I don't know what to do :loudly_crying_face:
‎2023-03-14 8:57 PM
It is good to know that it works fine for the STM32F429I dk board and that you now only have one folder :thumbs_up:. I am not too surprised that your new project works as the difference is that the external loader for the STM32G0nucleo is a custom one we made whereas the one for the STM32F429dk is an "official" one which will always be included.
If the steps we shared are properly followed and that the external loader with the correct path is set I really don't know where your error could come from :grinning_face_with_sweat:. Could you maybe share your project ?
‎2023-03-17 4:52 PM
finally work. I diden't know STM32CUBEIde very well and i made a mistake when i open the file .
Thanks a lot
‎2023-03-19 9:36 PM
Great to hear you made it work ^^ :ok_hand:
‎2023-09-10 12:52 AM
How did you solve the problem.
I have same problem..:(