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Hi. I have two level shifters, ST2378e and ADG3308.But, all of them are not working propoerly. Oscilloscope displayed following video. I had connected pins properly and checked many times.VL(3.3v), VCC(5.0v) and GND OE pin...
Hi, Thank you for reading it.I made project using TouchGFX.I want to use a EXTI Falling Edge. (it will be use IRQ)I add the weak function. please see my codeapp_freertos.cvoid HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Falling_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin) {UNUSED(GPIO_Pin);}when ...
Hi, I am suffer something troublesome.I should press ResetButton then the TargetBoard runs.on STLink V2.x, Target Board automatically runs after programming. (STM32L4xx / STM32F7xx)I took following messages from Console Window in ST32CubeIDEPlease fi...
Hello.I have two nucleo boards, first one is NUCLEO-L476RG other one is NUCLEO-F767ZIAnd I have one X-NUCLEO-NFC08A1 (ST25R3916B).I want to use NFC08A1 on NUCLEO-F767ZI (or other board).I have started to create new project on STM32CubeIDE.And I copie...
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