2022-12-15 8:15 PM
I've been working with the cubeide and touchGFX. It seemed to be working but when I tried to import another project, the IDE gave me a message stating that, even though the new TGFX project was named something else, it was going to import it as the name of the board I am using and overlay the current project. So i tried to copy the code in the current project and it bombed with a 'null pointer' error. I exited and came back in, tried again thinking I would get different results (duh) same error, out/in again, tried to rename the project I'd been working on, null pointer again, out/in again, original project I was working on is gone, just one line of project information. That suxs. So I can't rename projects and can't copy them I guess. I'm using the latest code.
2022-12-15 8:21 PM
one other major disappointment, I went back and looked at the touchgfx directory and the stm321cubeide directory under the application name is gone. So I lost my working code and my base code.
2022-12-18 9:51 AM
Renaming a TouchGFX project takes a little bit of work. You have to open several files and rename several lines. Maybe my videos will help out