2015-06-04 1:03 PM
Maybe a silly question but I have the latest CubeMX (4.8.0) and STM32F4 (1.6.0). I am able to see the STemWin directories and code under the CubeMX repository but I cannot find any way to generate a project including STemWin Library. My MCU is stm32F429. The LTDC peripheral is enabled. I cannot find any option in the CubeMX environment in order to enable the library. Is it possible to generate a project including StemWin or I have to do it manual ?Thanks in advance #stemwin2015-06-05 5:15 PM
Adding STemWin to a project is a pretty tall order. MX configures the processor but for STemWin to work you also need to configure the video controller. It would be great if MX did that but I'm not going to hold my breath.
The next best thing is to configure your project startup code with MX and then add STemWin. If you're lucky your H/W engineer chose a video controller that matched one on a Discovery (or similar) board and you can grab some code from the BSP and get a head start integrating STemWin. (Worked for me. :D )