2023-01-13 11:45 AM
I'm trying to create a new module for use with TouchGFX, not an ST demo board, but our own custom PCB.
TouchGFX seems to allow only creating projects for existing demo boards (nucleo, etc.). When I do this I get an ioc file, and it shows TouchGFX under Software Packs in STM32CubeMX.
How do you create a project for a new PCB that can be used with TouchGFX? When I try creating a project fresh in STM32CubeMX the option for Software Packs (TouchGFX) doesn't appear. I know the software pack is installed since it works fine when example generated in TouchGFX.
We are trying to create a new project with an STM32L4R9 and a new LCD with MipiDSI interface. DSI LCD samples I have are 800x480 with RPi flex connection which should connect to the STM32L4R9I-DISCO using B-LCDAD-RPI1 adapter (we hope).
Been using this unsuccesfully:
2023-01-13 12:13 PM
Hi Paul, i dont use MX, but IDE MX plugin and here Software package management .
Adding first time need add software package once = download and place to list.
Second step is activate in project setup
And yes you can use any DSI LCD , that support only two lanes mode.
2023-01-15 6:15 AM
But I can't activate the TouchGFX if it isn't visible under Software Packs in MX, unless there is a different place to enable it?
Have you found any good guides to setting up an ST project with a different DSI LCD?
2023-01-15 6:33 AM
how code you enter here ?
static void MX_LTDC_Init(void)
// Specific LCD controller's initialization code
plus in example is only sleepout cmd you need add display ON ... read BSP examples and pdf for your display controller. Normal way is have this init code from manufacturer of LCD.
and in MX both app or plugin after instalation isnt loaded TouchGFX. You need add one or more versions in package management before ...
2023-01-15 8:22 PM
I am very intrigued by the fact that you cannot see TouchGFX under the "software pack -> select components", would it be possible for you to share your project ? I was not able to replicate your issue on my side, STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX is always visible.
It is possible to create a TouchGFX project with any mcu, not just the ones used with existing discovery or evaluation boards.
2023-01-16 5:04 AM
I finished steps as far as [NVIC Settings], but couldn't proceed further because [Software Packs] wasn't visible in the project I "created from scratch"
Project zip: STM32L4R9I-DISCO_TouchGfxTutorial_PR03.zip
I zipped both a working project generated by TouchGFX for a demo board, and also a project I tried to create from scratch but couldn't complete because [Software Packs] not showing up in MX.
2023-01-16 5:33 AM
And as per Murphy's law, the solution presents itself within seconds of hitting submit on the above post (Co-Worker recalled somthing similar from AI tutorial).
1) Install the software pack for TouchGFX in MX (Help>Manage...)
2) In the new MX Project ENABLE TouchGFX using: SoftwarePacks(Top centre of MX, not under Help) > Select Components > Under TouchGFX Drill down to Application and "Select/Enable" it (See attached: TouchGFX_Select=Enable.jpg).
2023-01-16 6:13 AM
Murphy cant handle peaple not read manuals STM32CubeMX for STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation - User manual
2023-01-16 6:34 AM
I've read so many ST manuals I can't recall everything in all of them.
That's why we come to the forum - for help with things we can't find or can't figure out.
That's why I put the solution above, to help others who get stuck like I did.
2023-01-16 6:46 AM
Yes, and sorry that I didn't hang up Help right away. I thought someone using MX would...