2022-12-27 6:43 PM
I am new to STM products. I want to start a GUI project and I have 2 questions before I start with STM kit.
2023-01-16 2:17 AM
Hello NKhan.6,
I'll recommend you to use TouchGFX Designer 4.21.0 to start to design your app, but you'll might need to create 2 different apps since you have 2 different size of touchscreen.
We have multiple TouchGFX Board Setups that you can use, but it's depending on your needs.. Do you require video, memory etc..
With a custom board, knowledge about how to use STM32CubeMX is required because it's where you'll manage all the "hardware" part.
2023-01-16 3:06 AM
Please share a list of available boards community supported so that i can check which one suits my application.
We do not require video.
We do not have much hardware knowledge that is why we want to use readymade boards which need very less to no hardware work. We can focus on application only.
2023-01-16 5:49 PM
You can find in the create section of TouchGFX Designer 4.21 all the boards and their display resolutions we have made pre configured projects for , as you can see in the screenshot below.
There are 7 ST board examples with a 800*480 resolution. For example the STM32F469dk has a MIPI DSI display with a 800*480 and 16bpp resolution. For 1024*640 resolutions, our partners Riverdi and EDT both have boards and examples available in TouchGFX Designer as well. All those boards are good for prototyping. Select the hardware as well based on what you want to do as they do not all have the same connectivity and capabilities.
Changing a display to another can be more or less complicated depending on the display interface. Personally parallel RGB displays (LTDC) are the easiest to set up as you have almost no code to do yourself thanks to the TouchGFX Generator. You just need to follow our guideline in the online documentation. Badreddine has also made a video guide on the ST youtube channel on how to change displays on an STM32H7B3dk (going from an LTDC display to another).