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Scrollable container and wildcard values


Hello again,

I have a bunch of measurement results that I would like to display on the screen but space is getting too little. I looked at the scrollable container example, where the long text was put as a text resource (or whatever that is). However, my measurement results aren't, of course, static text so I would need to use wildcard text buffers. How could I implement this? 


Yeah sorry i'll try to put something asap

Senior II

I am trying to do the same thing where I want to update the wildcards in the scroll list but I cannot find the wild card in Screen2ViewBase.cpp even though I created them on TouchGFX Designer.


So I need help and thus bumping this post. A solution has not yet been posted.


Because items in ScrollList must be containers, not single textAreas, you cannot find wildcard buffers of list items from the view- class base file. Instead you must make function to your list-item container to update texts and then call this function from view- class.

Maybe I make some example, what things you need to your scroll list ... Typed texts or wild card buffer -texts, select item highlight, callback to view when some item selected ?


Senior II

Hi @JTP1 

Thank you for your reply. I don't need to select any item, however I need to fill the table with incoming data from SPI/UART.

I have put a wildcard inside the scroll list container and this should store the received buffer - Do you know how to do that? It seems I need to do an infinite switch case function??Table.PNG

Also how do I make the table scroll up automatically as it gets filled?

Hello. How many lines you should have then totally ? It might problematic if you want to save big amount of data.

I don't want to save any data, just want to display them on an infinitely long table. The data received from SPI comes in at around more than 10,000 per second, I want to display all of them if possible on the table.

I was successful yesterday at displaying random chars in the table but I have yet to figure out how to export SPI data to the table and make the table scroll up automatically.

Senior II

Maybe I do need to save the data after all, but it can be overwritten with time I suppose.