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Screen Tearing



I'd like to start by saying thank you to the community, so far it has been great and I have been able to work through any issue that has come up.

A new problem has shown up today. I just started making some real headway on my project, and in doing so, I created a new screen with a scrollable container. Within that container, I have some text. When I try and scroll around it appears I have some screen tearing issues. I have attached a video of the issue.

I have read around about this issue and it seems like a double buffer could solve this issue, so I enabled the double buffer and stuffed these values based on another demo from TouchGFX:

Start Address   : 0xC0000000
Start Address 2: 0xC005FA00

Enabling the double buffer didn't change anything :(

Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Processor: STM32F746BG

TouchGFX 4.13.0

STM32CubeIDE 1.2.1



Chief III

This looks like more like a display configuration issue to me (e.g. Those pixel artifacts are definitely not in the framebuffer).

Can you share more information about your hardware setup and how you created this project?


Associate III

Could it be a memory bandwidth issue?

Even with double buffering you need enough bandwidth to both read the active framebuffer to the display, and write to the other buffer.

I have seen strange stuff on displays when they are not feed with enough data...

A quick test could be to set lockDMAToFrontPorch in the HAL:


Chief III

It could be, definitely!

Usually, the test would be to lockDMAToFrontPorch(true); yes! It ensures that the SDRAM isn't accessed by both LTDC/DMA2D at the same time.


I should have included more information in my initial post, apologies.

Display: RK043FN66HS-CTG


I setup the project using STM32CubeIDE File->New STM32 Project and selected the STM32f746BG. I then proceeded to enable the FMC, LTDC, and DMA2D options as well as the X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.13.0 additional software options.

I pretty much followed @HP​s video posted here:

Of course my hardware has a few differences, mainly the LTDC and FMC use some alternative lines.

I do have a High Speed External clock at 8Mhz, which is different from the STM32F746-Disco boards of 25Mhz. I have adjusted the Clock Configuration in Cube to account for this.

lockDMAToFrontPorch(true) is how STM32CubeIDE and TouchGFX had initially setup in this function: void TouchGFXGeneratedHAL::initialize()

I also tried changing it to false, but the same issue persists.

I have attached my cube file for analysis.

your PLLSAI1 is not set right.

You're generating a 25MHz pixel clock. If you're using the F746-Disco board then you want something like 9.6MHz or thereabout.. I think the minimum is 8 and max is 12..

Try setting the /R to 6 and *N to 57 ish...

You are right, the timing on the LCD-TFT is way too high. I've been messing with this timing, *N on PLLSAI1 cannot be set to less than 100 without cubemx barking at me about it. I ignored the errors and what do you know! it works!

I have attached some screenshots of the "errors" that cubemx throws when I change *N and /R values.


I had a whole host of problems with just setting the values. Cube would not update the values and selecting the dropdown box was a huge pain.

Are you writing in the field? I thought it was just an output value :)

You can type into the LCD TFT field and CubeMX will attempt to back calculate all of the divisors and multipliers. It is hit or miss. In this case I manually found the proper values because CubeMX refuses to accept the values that work.

Please, don’t get me started on the drop down boxes agggggghh! Those things are a pain!!!!

It seems CubeMX wasn’t updating my HSE speed either. I dropped a 25Mhz crystal onto my board just to see if I could better match the f746 disco, and it rendered my board practically useless. It seemed like the HSE value wasn’t actually being updated. Who knows???