2019-05-14 12:00 AM
I repost my question here as I posted it in an answer yesterday and it didnt get effective.
Thank to hansd empty project I manage to begin my project and conceive my GUI:
It seems that using the integrated or standalone CubeMX doesn't mess up the project. Also, I succedeed in importing the project under AtollicTrueSTUDIO in order to see the difference between the IDEs.
I followed hands56's link in order to configure the QSPI:
I followed as well this tuto to configure the linker under CubeIDE (I think that is it the same as AtollicTrueSTUDIO):
All is building perfectly and when I look at the Build Analyzer, I can see the ExtFlashSection and my assets under QUADSPI, all seems in order:
The problem is, when I launch the debug, it seems that the flash is not programmed and my screen print this instead of my beautiful picture :(
Of course, I tried to use internal flash, and everything works, my picture is well displayed.
Do you have any idea of the source of my problem?
Thank you,
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-05-14 1:02 AM
Hi again,
CubeIDE is also relatively new to use here. I'm not sure whether or not it uses ST tools internally to program flash if that memory range is present in the application. If you use ST-Link or CubeProgrammer to program the external flash and then attach your debugger i'm sure you'll have good results.
2019-05-14 12:32 AM
Hi @Community member,
I don't have much experience with Atollic. Could you try using ST-Link or STCubeProgrammer to program your board? Thanks!
Best regards,
2019-05-14 12:40 AM
Hi Martin,
Sorry, I wasn't clear in my first message, I'm using STM32CubeIDE with my STM32F746G-discovery, I have tried Atollic but I'm not using it. When debugging or programming, STM32CubeIDE use ST-LINK:
Thank you,
2019-05-14 1:02 AM
Hi again,
CubeIDE is also relatively new to use here. I'm not sure whether or not it uses ST tools internally to program flash if that memory range is present in the application. If you use ST-Link or CubeProgrammer to program the external flash and then attach your debugger i'm sure you'll have good results.
2019-05-14 1:56 AM
Thank you Martin,
Using STM32CubeProgrammer to set an external loader and then configuring STM32CubeIDE with this external loader, I managed to really programmed my QSPI Flash.
Thank you!
2019-05-14 2:11 AM
Great to hear, Charles :) It would be a more smooth experience if you could flash from within CubeIDE - You probably can, but i'll have to get some more experience (and free time) with it before i can let you know.
2019-05-14 2:29 AM
In fact, I just realize that I didn't really need STM32CubeProgrammer or ST-Link to set up the external loader.
It is possible to set it up in STM32CubeIDE by going in:
Run>Debug Configurations>STM32 MCU Debuging>"yourapp.elf">Debugger and then check "External Loader" and type "N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO, 0x90000000, NOR_FLASH, N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO.stldr" (in my case), the scan button don't work and find an innacurate loader.
I had already set this external loader with STM32CubeProgrammer so I don't now if it was necessary. I will try it on free time but I think that only the CubeIDE config is necessary.
Now everything is set up, I can flash from CubeIDE with on click :D
As part of my internship, I am writing a guide on how to set up a project with STM32CubeIDE, STM32CubeMX and TouchGFX, all the problem I found and how to solve them.
I will probably post it on this forum if my company and my school allows it.
2019-05-14 2:52 AM
Hi Charles,
That's great news! Please post it here once you're done, i'm sure many people will appreciate the general information :)
2019-09-10 6:25 AM
Hi Charles/Martin,
I have a similar issue whereby the project will correctly load images when in debug configuration but taking it out of debug the images are garbage (like it forgets how to read from QSPI). Any ideas about what in the debug configuration fixes the issue? A project that only runs in debug config is pretty useless..
2019-09-10 7:10 AM
Hi Ben,
When you said out of debug, its in run mode? For example, if you shot down the board and reboot it, it will not work?
It's weird as the debug session load the assets in the flash..