2019-05-09 12:58 PM
This is my first post to this forum.
I've been trying for several days to configure a project with TouchGFX and STM32CubeMX. First, I want to thank you all for all your message I found on this forum and which helped me.
Initially, I wanted to use STM32CubeIDE & TouchGFX but I realized very quickly that it is nearly impossible for now.
So, I tried with Atollic TrueStudio. I succeeded in getting rid of compilation errors and having my GUI on my STM32F746 DISCO except that the touchscreen didn't work. I'm stuck here and I will maybe open an other post to find a solution about it (I can post my project if you want)
I don't want to lose more time so I'm asking here: in your opinion, on which IDE is it the easiest to configure a new project?
I can't pay for an IDE and I would prefer to use Atollic TrueStudio or STM32CubeIDE because I wanted to stay as close as possible from the ST "universe".
SW4STM32 is simplier to configure than Atollic TrueStudio?
I'm using a STM32F746 disco and STM32F769 disco (I don't know if it change something).
Thank you!
Charles B.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-05-10 1:46 AM
Try the attached project with TouchGFX for STM32F746 DISCO usin STM32CubeIDE.
2019-05-09 3:51 PM
I suspect in a few months time it will be STM32CubeIDE. ST are stating at workshops and in their videos that this is their future prime supported development toolset.
But at the moment it is, shall we say, almost on the point of being unusable. Not quite, but nearly. I have to check the assembly code output every compilation to check it's producing anything like I'm after, which really defeats the point of a high level language.
mbed is another option if it's just want TouchGFX as I think I saw that ported over there somewhere, but that is also a bug-fest at the moment.
How urgent is your project ?
2019-05-09 11:44 PM
I clearly don't want to check the assembly code, so I can delete STM32CubeIDE from the list.
I've tried Mbed at school and it's alright for small project but it become quickly bugged.
I'm on training for 3 months, the time is short so I can't wait for ST to update their softwares, I will do with what is currently working. I would like to begin the development ideally next week or at the end of May.
I've read several posts on this forum about projects successfully created with TouchFGX, STM32CubeMX and Atollic or SW4STM32. Which of these two IDE is the simpliest to configure a new TouchGFX project?
2019-05-10 1:46 AM
2019-05-10 2:08 AM
Thank you for this template. I have tried it and it worked perfectly! I will be able to begin my project, thank you!
Do you know if there is some part in this project that are not full supported yet?
I hope that it will be soon possible to initialize a project with STM32CubeIDE without problems.
2019-05-10 2:19 AM
2019-05-10 2:35 AM
Perfect, I will check for the QSPI. Making a copy of the project has been the first thing I've done ahah!
I am learning C++ at school for several months but I never used it in an embedded system yet, except in Mbed with an STM32F4. I'm new to RTOS so I must learn a lot of thing in order to manage this project. Thank you for the Segger reference, I had seen this name several times without knowing its purpose.
Is it possible to open CubeMx (the standalone software, not the CubeIDE perspective)?
I think that this project will be a real opportunity to acquire a lot of skills.
2019-05-10 2:44 AM
I have read it is better to use the embedded CubeMX with CubeIDE. Just experiment. For the Segger debugger you have to download STLinkReflash.
2019-05-13 7:36 AM
It seems that using the integrated or standalone CubeMX doesn't mess up the project. Also, I succedeed in importing your project under AtollicTrueSTUDIO in order to see the difference between the IDEs.
I followed @hansd56's link in order to configure the QSPI:
I followed as well this tuto to configure the linker under CubeIDE (I think that is it the same as AtollicTrueSTUDIO):
All is building perfectly and when I look at the Build Analyzer, I can see the ExtFlashSection and my assets under QUADSPI.
The problem is, when I launch the debug, it seems that the flash is not programmed and my screen print this instead of my beautiful picture :(
Of course, I tried to use internal flash, and everything works, my picture is well displayed.
Do you have any idea of the source of my problem?
Thank you,
2019-05-14 12:32 PM
Is your BPP (bits per pixel) set properly?