2022-09-14 12:10 AM
Dear Sir,
i want to create project in Touch GFX Designer v 4.20.0 using hardware STM32F29 I discovery board,
1) when i click on Create button -> ST Microelectronics -> STM32F429I Discovery, software shows 0% but i get error of " Download of STM32F429I discovery failed".
2) Similarly when i go to examples -> animated image example , progress bar shows 33 % and "Download of animated image example failed"
3)Similarly when i go to Demos -> dice animation , progress bar shows 33 % and "Download of dice animation failed"
4) I am able to run the simulator and create some basic GUI of buttons
5) I am having STM32CubeMX 6.6.1 and Touch GFX 4.20.0 installed through STM32Cube MX -> manage Software packs.
Please suggest, as i am new to Touch GFX.
2022-10-14 4:54 AM
Dear Sir,
thanks for you reply/ inputs. as per your suggestion
1) i uninstalled the touch gfx designer v4.20 and installed the version 4.19.1
2) then i launched the version 4.19.1 and tried to open the Touch GFX Demo 3, but once again it showed " Download of Touch GFX Demo 3 failed "
3) i tried to locate the log file , but even this time no log file was created. i noted that Touch GFX folder was also not created in the roaming folder.
4) i had deleted the touch GFX version 4.20 folder from this place, assuming that touch GFX 4.19 folder will be automatically created after installing the new version
4) please suggest , if i am doing not doing something right.
your suggestion/ inputs will be highly appreciated
2022-10-20 1:38 AM
Dear Sir,
Any suggestions from your side ,to address this issue. you guidance will be highly appreciated
2022-10-20 2:45 AM
The fact that nothing is created in the Roaming folder even though you can see the demos in TouchGFX Designer is very strange. The steps you followed are the correct one which is why it is difficult to understand the origin of the issue.
Are you still able to create projects with the simulator but not demos ? Try creating a project with the simulator and then use the "import GUI" option and select one of the demos. I would also suggest to have Microsoft Edge opened to help TouchGFX Designer access the server.
Could you also try to see if you can access this link ?
2022-11-29 6:22 AM
Hello NSane.1,
Do you still have your issue? Have you tried @Romain DIELEMAN 's suggestion?
Did you tried with another computer? Did you make sure you have enough disk space on your computer?