2021-02-09 8:33 AM
THis is my SCT file
; *************************************************************
; *** Scatter-Loading Description File generated by uVision ***
; *************************************************************
LR_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00100000 { ; load region size_region
ER_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00100000 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (RESET, +First)
.ANY (+RO)
RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00050000 { ; RW data
.ANY (+RW +ZI)
LR_EROM1 0x90000000 0x2000000 { ; load region size_region
ER_EROM1 0x90000000 0x2000000 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (ExtFlashSection)
;*.o (TextFlashSection)
*.o (FontFlashSection)
when ExtFlashSection and FontFlashSection are commented (disabled), system loading is OK.
But if these sections are not commented (enabled, written like I quoted) - I get error;
on this stage
I get this error
What's wrong in my SCT file or other settings?
My IC is STM32h743B.
On project for STM32F746B this porblem not occured.
2021-02-12 10:03 AM
I use ST-Link
I try different version of ST-Link - China clone, ST-Link from Discovery board.
Drivers - last version, firmware of ST-link - last version,
2021-02-12 10:04 AM
What version of J-link you have? I have 8 version and it can't connect to H743.
2021-02-12 10:12 AM
10.10 - with recent firmware and drivers. I'm loading an F769 with it. Can you get it load using the ST provided flashing utility?
For Keil - what you did (remove the region from the "Flash Download" tab) worked for me. Though, our setups are different.
Are all applicable drivers, Keil, etc up to date?
2021-02-12 10:17 AM
"10.10 - with recent firmware and drivers. "
I have 8 version. I don't know, can I update it to 10, or I have to buy new hardware
"what you did (remove the region from the "Flash Download" tab) " - yes, I removed this region. But I need to leave section in SCT because QSPI content is about 9 Mbytes.
"Are all applicable drivers, Keil, etc up to date?"
All drivers are updated.
2021-02-12 10:39 AM
" I've used Keil with a J-Link and had no issues loading."
Did you try my project?
2021-02-12 10:45 AM
I did not, I do not have an H743 available. I believe the issue is related to something in the stack of Keil's loader and the debugger. I would venture that it is not TouchGFX per-se though that is your source of error.
Did you try loading your output from Keil externally via the ST-FLASH program? It'll help determine the source of the error by taking Keil out of the equation temporarily.
2021-02-12 10:48 AM
"Did you try loading your output from Keil externally via the ST-FLASH program?"
You didn't understand me. Flash downloading is OK. Problem appears after downloading, while "loading object code"
2021-02-12 10:49 AM
" I believe the issue is related to something in the stack of Keil's loader and the debugger. I"
I'll try to downgrade KEIL version....
2021-02-12 10:53 AM
My apologies - you're right - I didn't realize that. Has this debugger you're using worked before? You mentioned it's an ST Link clone; maybe it's not playing well with the driver.
Another option is trying it through Cube IDE - it's good software. I'm using both Keil and Cube IDE in my workflow right now.
2021-02-12 10:56 AM
That's the internal flash, you need to select the algorithm to use for the QSPI residing at 0x90000000 (32MB or whatever)