2019-06-27 2:54 AM
when the tools STM32CubeIDE and TouchGFX for STM32F429DISC1 will be completly functionnal ? today a lot of compile error and doesn't work (white display)
I have to choose new processor for new development.
2019-07-03 6:20 AM
Hi @lclor,
Unfortunately, neither CubeMX standalone or CubeIDE has any intention of making a working project for a specific board, even if you use the board-selector. I think that feature needs rebranding since it's actually just a "default configuration" for the IPs that are also available on that board.
That being said, you shouldn't be getting compiler errors. New versions of CubeMX 5.3 and CubeIDE are soon ready and may have fixed up some of the issues you're having. We have a big task in making things more clear in terms of workflow using CubeMX/CubeIDE/TouchGFX with or without application templates.
In the meantime, can you post your build log here? F429-DISCO should be fairly easy since there's no DSI configuration (often the culprit as far as CubeMX generated configurations are concerned).
2019-07-03 6:25 AM
I moved some of the description for this issue into the bread-text of the post and thus also renamed the title - Hope you don't mind.
If you want to get started with F429-DISCO you can go through the TouchGFX designer. In the meantime, post your log and i'm sure i can help you through. I have a CubeMX-ified F429-DISCO project here i will try to convert to CubeIDE asap.
2019-07-04 1:52 AM
I have corrected the errors in compilation, I could download the file into the board, but when I luanch execution I still have a blank display.
Is there a documentation to explain what should be set when you start a new project from scratch (selecting the F429-DISCO board) to use the display on the board ? (in fact to use all that is included on the board)
Because, when you start a new project on the board, how could we know how set the ioc file with the right settings to be able to use the display ?
thanks for your help,
Best regards,
L. Clorennec
2019-07-04 7:50 AM
Hi Martin,
My project is now compile without errors. But when I launch on the board the software, the display still blank. Could I send you ZIP file of my sample project used with CubeIDE ?
2019-07-04 11:59 PM
Hi Martin
here is the link to download project : https://we.tl/t-8v289CxXlE
I have restarted from scratch, and I still have 3 errors in compilation.
thnak you for your help,
Best regards,
L. Clorennec
2019-07-05 1:58 AM
I tried again a new project, and now the compilation is OK (I Don't know why).
but my display when I run the project is still blank.
here is the projest : https://we.tl/t-XQ1dIi2HTJ
Best regards,