2021-03-23 9:02 PM
I use CubeMX to construct a project for RGB LCD in a STM32F767 custom board.
MPU is enable, and is set as follow
SDRAM is used and FMC is set as :
DMA2D is actived and set as :
the LTDC is set as :
The following code is used to fill the LCD with color :
void LTDC_Fill(u16 sx,u16 sy,u16 ex,u16 ey,u32 color)
printf("Enter LTDC_Fill color=%d \r\n",color);
u32 psx,psy,pex,pey; //¥HLCD±ªO¬°°ò·Çªº§¤¼�?¨t,¤£ÀH¾î½�?«ÌÅܤƦÓÅܤÆ
u32 timeout=0;
u16 offline;
u32 addr;
if(lcdltdc.dir) //¾î«Ì
}else //½�?«Ì
printf("pex=%d pey=%d offline=%d ",pex,pey,offline);
printf("addr = 0x%x \r\n",addr);
printf("enable RCC->AHB1EN ");
RCC->AHB1ENR|=1<<23; //enable DMA2D clock
printf("RCC->AHB1EN =0x%x \r\n",RCC->AHB1ENR);
printf("write DMA2D : \r\n");
printf("stop DAM2D: CR = 0x%x --> ", DMA2D->CR);
DMA2D->CR&=~(DMA2D_CR_START); //stop MAM2D
printf("0x%x \r\n", DMA2D->CR);
DMA2D->CR=3<<16; //set mode as register to mem
printf("DMA2D->CR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->CR);
printf("DMA2D->OPFCCR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->OPFCCR);
printf("DMA2D->OOR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->OOR);
DMA2D->CR&=~(1<<0); //stop DMA2D
printf("DMA2D->CR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->CR);
DMA2D->OMAR=addr; //addr = 0xc000000
printf("DMA2D->OMAR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->OMAR);
DMA2D->NLR=(pey-psy+1)|((pex-psx+1)<<16); //set line reg
printf("DMA2D->NLR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->NLR);
DMA2D->OCOLR=color; //set color reg
printf("DMA2D->OCOLR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->OCOLR);
DMA2D->CR|=1<<0; //start DMA2D
printf("DMA2D->CR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->CR);
printf("write DAM2D finish and transfer data \r\n");
while((DMA2D->ISR&(DMA2D_FLAG_TC))==0) //waiting for
printf("DMA2D data transfer timeout !! DMA2D->ISR=0x%x DMA2D_FLAG_TC=0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->ISR, DMA2D_FLAG_TC);
break; //time out break
DMA2D->IFCR|=1<<1; //clear trans complete flag
printf("DMA2D->IFCR = 0x%x \r\n",DMA2D->IFCR);
printf("--------LTDC_Fill Finish-------\r\n");
The fill LCD code is called twice. The information printed via usart is shown as follow :
---------- enter MX_LTDC --------------------
FBStartAdress= 0xc0000000 lendingFactor1=0x600 BlendingFactor2==0x7
ImageWidth=1024 ImageHeight=600
Backcolor.Red=0x0 Backcolor.Green=0x0 Backcolor.Blue=0x0
Layer 0 Window Config: x0=0 y0=0 w=1024 h=600
LCD_dir=1 lcdltdc.width=1024 lcdltdc.height=600
lcd_actived_layer =0
enter LTDC_Clear, lcdltdc.width=1024 lcdltdc.height=600 color=65535
Enter LTDC_Fill color=65535
pex=1023 pey=599 offline=0 addr = 0xc0000000
enable RCC->AHB1EN RCC->AHB1EN =0x9001ff
write DMA2D :
stop DAM2D: CR = 0x0 --> 0x0
DMA2D->CR = 0x30000
DMA2D->OOR = 0x0
DMA2D->CR = 0x30000
DMA2D->OMAR = 0xc0000000
DMA2D->NLR = 0x4000258
DMA2D->OCOLR = 0xffff
DMA2D->CR = 0x30001
write DAM2D finish and transfer data
DMA2D data transfer timeout !! DMA2D->ISR=0x0 DMA2D_FLAG_TC=0x2
DMA2D->IFCR = 0x0
--------LTDC_Fill Finish-------
enter LTDC_Clear, lcdltdc.width=1024 lcdltdc.height=600 color=65535
Enter LTDC_Fill color=65535
pex=1023 pey=599 offline=0 addr = 0xc0000000
enable RCC->AHB1EN RCC->AHB1EN =0x9001ff
write DMA2D :
stop DAM2D: CR = 0x30001 --> 0x30001
DMA2D->CR = 0x30001
DMA2D->OOR = 0x0
DMA2D->CR = 0x30001
DMA2D->OMAR = 0xc0000000
DMA2D->NLR = 0x4000258
DMA2D->OCOLR = 0xffff
DMA2D->CR = 0x30001
write DAM2D finish and transfer data
DMA2D data transfer timeout !! DMA2D->ISR=0x0 DMA2D_FLAG_TC=0x2
DMA2D->IFCR = 0x0
--------LTDC_Fill Finish-------
At the first call, the DMA2D is stop via set DMA2D->CR as 0x30000 and then set the DAM2D parameter, start the DMA2D via set DMA2D->CR as 0x30001, but timeout in data transfer finally.
At the second call, the DMA2D can not be stop via as DMA2D->CR as 0x30000, is always in start siutation, and can not be set as 0x30000 to stop the DMA2D. I suspect that the data can not be transfered and causes the DAM2D to be died, but I can not find the reason.
I have checked the other setting such as GPIO and clock with the driver provided via custom board vendor that can run correctly.
Could anyone give me suggestion? Thank for your help! best wishes.