2019-09-22 2:11 PM
2019-09-23 1:43 AM
I need some more info to go on. What does "can not use it" mean? It's disabled or not working in some way?
2019-09-23 2:22 AM
i got this message when i try to select the STM32f769 discovery board or the evaluation board also.
"The target device 'STM32F769I-DISCO' is currently not supported by STM32CubeIDE according 'Obsolete' marketing status"
2019-09-24 1:12 AM
That sounds crazy. I'll investigate. Which version of CubeIDE?
2019-09-25 3:01 AM
1.0.2 the latest version. i am using stm32 cube IDE. i also have another question. Can i use 2 layers in the stm32f769 discovery board with touch gfx?
Best Regards
2019-09-25 3:47 AM
You cannot use 2 layers with TouchGFX (yet). Now that TouchGFX is STM32 only we have more freedom to make these target specific changes. Especially for transitions 2 layers would be incredibly useful.
2019-09-30 12:23 AM
Thanks for the information. i have another question. i am doing project for displaying video from the camera with TouchGFX but i think without 2 layers its not possible especially if i want make GUI above the video. is there any way that touch GFX can do it without using the 2 layers?
Thanks in advance
2019-09-30 1:21 AM
You have to make the video a part of your application. I've written this a few times now in various posts so you may be able to find more information there.
You can decode/convert frames from the camera to a piece of memory and then display this frame in TouchGFX with a Dynamic Bitmap - You could place this on top of your existing gui - Even make it draggable.
2019-09-30 5:11 AM
Thank you very much that was very helpful
2019-09-30 5:24 AM
No problem. You'd do this in a different task, and then you may need to think about the framerate of the camera vs the possible framerate of the touchgfx application and perhaps also think about scaling (this is not something TouchGFX can do) if your camera input is different from your display.
Maybe if the frames produced by the camera is small enough you're fine :)