2020-05-28 1:27 AM
I'm working on a project an using STM32F746 and STMPE811 for touch controller. I did initializations and everything but no metter hjow much try I can't detect touch. Also I con't do debugging step by step because my code always goes into TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler() funtion. and come back to where it was. it do not go to next line(only if I try debug step by step). So can anyone help me with these issues?
Thank you.
bool STM32TouchController::sampleTouch(int32_t& x, int32_t& y)
if (tsDriver)
//In here DetectTouch's value is always 0x80060c3 Idk why
if (tsDriver->DetectTouch(TS_I2C_ADDRESS))
/* Get each touch coordinates */
tsDriver->GetXY(TS_I2C_ADDRESS, (uint16_t*)&y, (uint16_t*)&x);
return true;
return false;
2020-05-28 5:57 AM
How did you create this project? The code looks like something we wrote for the Touch Controller in the latest application template.
2020-05-28 6:43 AM
I’ve got it from template project for STM32F429 discovery. Because as I said I’m using stmpe811. So integrated it to stm32f746 custom project. Was it a bad idea?