2021-02-07 6:15 AM
Generate Code
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j10
The system cannot find the path specified.
'B' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
2021-02-08 12:15 AM
Could you share the path of your project ? Are there any space or "uncommon" characters somewhere ?
Could you also specify the version of TouchGFX you are using ? Are you creating a project with an application template for a specific board or a UI template ?
2021-02-08 4:56 AM
Thank you very much. You can log in to my computer and see the problem anydesk
I am using a blank project in addition I also tried with a template
I find the same problem
email: fadi.albaghdade@gmail.com
2021-02-08 6:05 AM
I know there has been people facing similar issues with Turkish language settings on their computer, I cannot remember the exact reason but it was due to some characters not recognized in the folder path of the projects. Please try creating a project directly in the /C folder or in /C/TouchGFXProject. I'll try to find the previous posts of people facing the same issue
2021-02-08 7:34 AM
My computer is in English and I use the default path for the program
The problem is that it was working fine, but I don't know what happened to it
But I also tried the program on another computer and found the same problem
2021-02-08 7:47 AM
He's telling you to use some thing other than the default, which might be a user directory or other with odd characters in it.
Use a simple path for the program and the repository, etc. ie C:\TouchGFX
The above error is also complaining about a "B" option/command, see if you can see any build output or dialogs referring to what specific path is problematic. Perhaps go look at the makefile it is invoking, and show the directory that is in.
It is very hard to debug things with the level of detail/specificity provided.
Have your IT guy review the situation and the installation method.