2022-08-03 12:15 AM
I m working on STM32f746g-Disco board, In cubemx I have added touchgfx software & since I want to configure the display on Bare metal I have disabled FREERTOS. When I have regenerate the code , OSWarraper file is getting generated. I want to know without OSwrappers , what needs to be written so that it works on bare metal.
2022-08-03 11:57 AM
Maybe stop write here ... questions and debug and read OSWrapper.cpp.
For NO OS is very simple control with two variables.
void OSWrappers::initialize()
fb_sem = 0;
vsync_sem = 0;
and no without this class library cant work ...
2022-08-03 11:51 PM
Thanks for the reply.
If I am not wrong this OSWrapper file is related to operating system & as we disabled FREE RTOS those functions will not be invoked & it will get hanged. But my requirement is without any OS related code , only by using Graphical libraries and drivers I need to display. is it possible ?
Correct me if I am wrong.
2022-08-04 1:18 AM
2022-08-04 10:03 PM
yeah I understood your point.
I have generated the code in bare metal , but it is getting hanged and I am getting black screen on the display.