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How to use FreeRTOS queues without sacrificing the simulator?

Associate III

I would like to use queues without sacrificing the simulator.

I know how to use queues with the extern keyword, but it disables the simulator because TouchGFX doesn't see header and source files. I have edited the Makefile to include the headers, but I am left with two issues.

First issue is including reent.h:

0693W00000LxaoiQAB.pngIf I don't include the FreeRTOS.h I get this error:

0693W00000Lxar8QAB.pngThis is what I modified in the Makefile thus far:

project_path := $(call qs,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_path)../../..)))
ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_PATHS := $(project_path)/Core/Inc \
	$(project_path)/STM32CubeIDE/Application/User \
	$(project_path)/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/include \
	$(project_path)/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F \
	$(project_path)/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2 \

Also including the cmsis_os2.c file which contains the definitions for the structures and functions I'm using in the ADDITIONAL_SOURCES didn't help.

So, to put it shortly, is there a way to use queues inside TouchGFX in order to not disable the simulator? The code works if compiled from CubeIDE, but compiling from TouchGFX doesn't work. If possible, I would like to enable all FreeRTOS functionality inside TouchGFX to not have another issues later.


This is lazy but since I already made this thread I might aswell ask it.

Since I don't need FreeRTOS in simulator, I only need the queues to send some data to other tasks and I want the simulator to just easily debug the GUI, is there some TouchGFX #define I can use to exclude the FreeRTOS code from compilation when compiling from TouchGFX, but include it when compiling from CubeIDE?


Accepted Solutions
Senior III

To answer your lazy question, there's an automatically defined SIMULATOR symbol that you can use to control what is included in CubeIDE but not simulator code (#iifndef SIMULATOR). I use it to include hardware-related code when not in the simulator and have fake data when simulating.

View solution in original post

Senior III

To answer your lazy question, there's an automatically defined SIMULATOR symbol that you can use to control what is included in CubeIDE but not simulator code (#iifndef SIMULATOR). I use it to include hardware-related code when not in the simulator and have fake data when simulating.

This basically solves the issue, thank you.