2021-01-06 12:29 AM
Stm32f469i_Discovery uses TouchFGX to create a reservation program.
I want to show the reservation details on the screen according to the date.
The variable for the day of the week is day_value.
Mon : 0x01
Tue : 0x02
Wed : 0x04
Thu : 0x08
Fri : 0x10
Sat : 0x20
Sun : 0x40
user A is day_value = 0x15(Mon, Wed, Fri )
user B is day_value = 0x70 (Fir, Sat, Sun )
According to the entered day_Value
uesr A : Mon, Wed, Fri
user B : Fir, Sat, Sun
I want to display it on the TouchGFX screen like this way.
cstring Tdata1, Tdata2, Tdata3;
if(day_value & Mon ){
Tdata1 = "Mon";
if(day_value & Wed){
Tdata2 = "Tue";
if(day_Value & Fri){
Tdata3 = "Fri";
It is not known how to store each variable and mark it as TouchGFX Text.
2021-01-06 3:14 AM
I see your idea as no complex, what when user reserve week plus one day ...?
And for your text problem, touchgfx use different idea as your cstring, but important is how you plan deal with reservation data C or C++?
My example for you is C global array your day_values
uint8_t day_values[MAXRES];
and for show your data in one wildcard textarea:
Unicode::snprintf(textAreaBuffer, TEXTAREA_SIZE, "User %d > %s", foriuser, getstrdays(day_values[foriuser]) );
function getstrdays you need write and return string for show. Size you need define in designer when create wildcard.