2024-02-15 7:51 AM
I have been struggling for a few days now with trying to trigger an interaction within TouchGFX (V4.23.1) via a hardware button.
The board is a STM32H747i Discovery. The board bring up has been completed with a standard TouchGFX template and the touch screen and display are working fine.
I have verified that I can toggle LED4 with the wake button suing a RTOS function
#define LED4_GPIO_Port GPIOI
#define LED4_Pin GPIO_PIN_15
osThreadId_t toggleLEDTaskHandle;
const osThreadAttr_t toggleLEDTask_attributes = {
.name = "toggleLEDTask",
.stack_size = 128 * 4, // Adjust stack size as needed
.priority = (osPriority_t) osPriorityNormal,
toggleLEDTaskHandle = osThreadNew(ToggleLEDTask, NULL, &toggleLEDTask_attributes);
void ToggleLEDTask(void *argument) {
uint8_t ledState = 0; // Track LED state, 0 = off, 1 = on
for(;;) {
key = 1; // Set key to 1 to indicate button press
// If button is pressed, toggle the LED state
ledState = !ledState; // Toggle state
// Debounce delay and wait for button release
osDelay(200); // Adjust delay as needed for debounce
osDelay(10); // Short delay to wait for button release
osDelay(10); // Small delay to prevent the task from hogging CPU resources
I am pretty confident that the LED and USER_BTN are configured correctly as the LED toggles when I press the USR_BTN.
I am trying to follow this:
I am unsure where this code should be added:
I have modified this:
Everything compiles but whilst the LED toggles and the BTN_USER is selectable in the TouchGFX designer interactions drop down, the interaction doesn't get triggered. I am a bit stumped.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-02-20 6:56 AM
Hi Louis,
Thanks for your reply,
I managed to get the button working by following the steps in these two videos (I have added the links below so that if someone else needs to follow them, he gives recipes for both polling and interrupt-based, both of which work) :
However, TouchGFX Designer 4.23.1 can't program and run target. However, CubeIDE can compile and run the code. Changes can be made in designer and once the code is generated you can use CubeIDE to flash the board and run the code.
I have tried your suggestion of putting the files in the same folder:
And whilst I can get it to compile and run in CubeIDE (after adding the path to the "target" directory) TouchGFX Designer 4.23.1 can't actually "program and run target".
2024-02-16 12:27 AM - edited 2024-02-16 12:27 AM
Hello @MEde.1 ,
Can you show me a picture of your CubeMx GPIO setup ?
And are you using CubeIDE ?
2024-02-16 12:33 AM
Sure, using CubeMX and CubeIDE
I have tried triggering it with an interrupt as well and again I toggle the LED but not trigger the interaction in TouchGFX. I just feel I am missing a step!
The GPIO setup
2024-02-16 2:39 AM
In CubeMX Try to set your PC13 to pull-up instead,
1) Create your button controller
Then go to CubeIDE, and in "STM32H747I-DISCO_CM7/Application/User/Core" do New->File :
Name the new file "MyButtonController.cpp" (Give it the name you want, they called it "H783ButtonController" in the tutorial), edit that file :
#include <MyButtonController.hpp>
#include <main.h>
#include <touchgfx/hal/HAL.hpp>
void MyButtonController::init()
previousState = 0x00;
bool MyButtonController::sample(uint8_t& key)
if ((HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BTN_USER_GPIO_Port, BTN_USER_Pin) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) && previousState == 0x00)
previousState = 0xFF;
key = 1; // here key determines which key will be trigger in TouchGFX
return true;
previousState = 0x00;
return false;
And then create a ".hpp" in "User/Core/Inc" :
#include <platform/driver/button/ButtonController.hpp>
class MyButtonController : public touchgfx::ButtonController
virtual void init();
virtual bool sample(uint8_t& key);
uint8_t previousState;
Here "HAL_GPIO_ReadPin" has "BTN_USER_GPIO_PORT" and "BTN_USER_PIN" in its function parameter.
These two variables are defined when you add label to your GPIO and generate the code in CubeMX, you can see their values in "main.h" :
If you use "GPIOC" and "GPIO_PIN_13" it also works, it's the same.
When you don't set labels in CubeMX, you can also check which "GPIOX" and which "GPIO_PIN_XX" in "main.c" :
(here I set PC13 without any label)
2) Setup in your TouchGFXHAL file
Now open your "TouchGFXHAL.cpp" and add the following lines to each sections:
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
#include "MyButtonController.hpp"
/* USER CODE END Includes */
/* USER CODE BEGIN private variables */
MyButtonController bc;
/* USER CODE END private variables */
void TouchGFXHAL::initialize()
/* USER CODE BEGIN initialize step 2 */
/* USER CODE END initialize step 2 */
3) Setup in TouchGFX
To use your button in TouchGFX, create an interaction with a trigger "hardware button is clicked" trigger and select the key that you set for the button's GPIO in "MyButtonController".
If you modified your ".touchgfx" physical button section then, you will see your label displayed beside the key in "Choose button key".
I hope it answers your question.
2024-02-16 4:48 AM - edited 2024-02-16 4:51 AM
Thank you Louis, I have tried modifying my existing efforts but I am getting the following when I try to "program and run target"
CM7/TouchGFX/build/STM32H747I_DISCO/CM7/TouchGFX/target/TouchGFXHAL.o: In function `_GLOBAL__sub_I_bc':
c:\TouchGFXProjects\MyApplication_16/CM7/TouchGFX/target/TouchGFXHAL.cpp:515: undefined reference to `vtable for MyButtonController'
I am guessing that the linker that TouchGFX designer doesn't know where the MyButtonController.hpp is.
MyButtonController.hpp is here:
and MyButtonController.cpp is here:
or maybe it's something else? Sorry for what are probably quite basic questions, whilst this isn't my first STM32 project it's my first using TouchGFX and the directory structure is quite bewildering initially!
It seems to compile quite happily in STM32CubeIDE but the button still doesn't work.
2024-02-19 3:50 AM
Any thoughts on why I am getting the error message?
2024-02-20 1:25 AM - edited 2024-02-20 1:27 AM
Hi @MEde.1 ,
You are getting this error because the "MyButtonController.cpp" is only visible by the CubeIDE, you can place both files (".hpp" & ".cpp") in that directory : "<Your_project_folder>\CM7\TouchGFX\target" directly. It should be working in Designer.
For your hardware button, can you try with another button ? Like "PK4" (Joystick left), configure it in CubeMX :
and change the "MyButtonController.cpp" with :
#include <MyButtonController.hpp>
#include <main.h>
#include <touchgfx/hal/HAL.hpp>
void MyButtonController::init()
previousState = 0x00;
bool MyButtonController::sample(uint8_t& key)
if ((HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(JOY_LEFT_GPIO_Port, JOY_LEFT_Pin) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) && previousState == 0x00)
previousState = 0xFF;
key = 1;
return true;
previousState = 0x00;
return false;
2024-02-20 6:56 AM
Hi Louis,
Thanks for your reply,
I managed to get the button working by following the steps in these two videos (I have added the links below so that if someone else needs to follow them, he gives recipes for both polling and interrupt-based, both of which work) :
However, TouchGFX Designer 4.23.1 can't program and run target. However, CubeIDE can compile and run the code. Changes can be made in designer and once the code is generated you can use CubeIDE to flash the board and run the code.
I have tried your suggestion of putting the files in the same folder:
And whilst I can get it to compile and run in CubeIDE (after adding the path to the "target" directory) TouchGFX Designer 4.23.1 can't actually "program and run target".
2024-02-20 9:06 AM - edited 2024-02-20 9:17 AM
This is normal. TouchGFX dont handle new files, then after add you need update build configs etc.
Second way is not add and use TouchGFXGPIO files for your button code. Or simply say only edit existed files.
3. way is in TouchGFX edit build settings and use command for program and build target over cubeIDE.(headless-build)
But most usable is as you write only generate and do build in IDE. Plus you can debug here.
2024-02-22 1:51 AM
Hello all,
Glad to hear that you were able to make it work @MEde.1 :thumbs_up:
@MM..1 is right, TouchGFX will need to update build files, you have to delete this folder : <Your_project>\CM7\TouchGFX\build , then it should work on Designer and you should be able to build on target.
I hope that solves your issue.