‎2023-02-26 1:55 PM
Hello all,
ST is obviously ignoring problems because i have found few topics about this issue which are two years old. So, during TouchGfx generation from CubeMX i get an errors in TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp
Java has obviously still have problems with big numbers and ST is still unable to fix it. Know anybody walkaround?
‎2023-02-27 2:40 AM
Hello MPetr.5,
We're sorry if you think we're ignoring it, we try to constantly upgrade TouchGFX Designer with resolving issues and adding new features for an optimal user experience. It's possible that the issue you're referring hasn't been prioritized. Could you send me the link to the other topics you mentioned?
Also, more details would be appreciated for a deeper look by us; which board are you using? is it based on a TouchGFX board setup? which version of TouchGFX and STM32CubeMX?
‎2023-02-28 9:42 AM
Hello @Osman SOYKURT​ ,
Those are 2years old.
No board, custom PCB with STM32L4R9ZG, LCD connected through FMC bank 2, on bank1 is SRAM.
STM32CubeMX version 6.7.0
TouchGFX 4.21.1
It is obviously problem with high address which exceedes 32bit value and freemarker/java cannot handle it.
‎2023-03-02 12:05 PM
@Osman SOYKURT​ soooo? Any updates?
‎2023-03-02 5:27 PM
Still need more info on your side :thumbs_up:. Freemaker/java issues are not something we can necessarily fix on our side as well, but if you could share your project it could be interesting to further investigate but we cannot promise to fix your specific issue on short notice as the TouchGFX has many tasks on the side. The forum is however here for that, to get feedback on bugs and also have other users chip in to help each other. Lets see/hope if someone has faced your issue since the posts you mentioned and found a workaround they can share.
You do have some answers on the post you mention, could you check them and give us details on your errors as the previous users did afterwards ?
‎2023-03-03 6:12 AM
> It is obviously problem with high address which exceedes 32bit
Does unsigned int give any hint?
‎2023-03-05 10:56 AM
So, shortened, you are not going to fix issue which you have there for two years and you hope someone else is going to fix it for you?
ST was good in past, now you are starting to be same .... as others. "Good" job.
I am really curious what will you say during embedded world.
‎2023-03-05 10:58 AM
Hi, i dont know who are you targeting. Maybe ST?
‎2023-03-05 5:28 PM
This is not what we said :thinking_face: I suppose this was already in the backlog but might have drown under the other urgent tasks that pill up. Does not mean that it is not something we would not fix nor only rely on other users.
I won't personally fix it as I do not have the knowledge for it, but will pass it to people who might :thumbs_up: Can you elaborate on the issue you face ? Screenshots as well maybe ? This will fasten the investigation especially on custom projects.
As said your complain was difficult to answer without a proper project/context to investigate, the TouchGFX team has limited resources but now we have something to look into with the latest version of TouchGFX Designer.
You are more than welcome to say hello and talk to the experts that will attend the event, they might have a better idea on how to help you.