2020-04-09 2:02 AM
Hi everyone! I'm trying to create a project using CubeIDE 1.3, Touchgfx 4.13 and f769i-disco board. I have started building project with Cube and then added touchgfx using "additional software" menu. I have succesfully configured external SDRAM and display driver: I can see data being put into a buffer by touchgfx, but the screen shows nothing but a white stripe in the middle. I have tried copying parameters for ltdc and dsi from example but it still doesn't work.
So the question is: has anyone managed to configure the screen on this board properly without just copying BSP functions?
2020-04-09 2:04 AM
It would be much easier for you to select the 769i-DISCO application V.3. template from the designer. It supports CubeMX 5.5+ / TouchGFX Generator. Compare the configurations if you're trying to learn a few things by doing it on your own.
2020-04-09 2:40 AM
Thank you for your answer!
I've tried using TouchGFX template, but it doesn't seem to work either
The microcontroller falls into hard fault as soon as it reaches
even after I made stack and heap in project settings 10 times bigger
2020-04-09 2:42 AM
2020-04-09 2:54 AM
the ide uses both gcc and g++ compilers as i see from the build console
2020-04-10 4:14 AM
So i finally launched the application
Enabling MPU cacheable permission for external flash solved the problem
2020-04-12 9:40 AM
Hello Andei,
Interesting post.
I am trying to set a GUI on my STM32F769 DISCO aswel, on the same environment. However I'm getting compilation errors.
After adding all the missing include paths, my TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp gives an error on the first line using OSWrappers class, since it doesn't recognize its declaration. It seems like my OSWrappers.cpp is never compiled, but I can't see anything about OSWrappers.cpp in the makefiles of this or other projects.
I'm not very experienced in embedded coding yet, so I'm sure there is something I'm missing. In the meantime, would you mind sharing your project? Or did you get any similar compilation issues?
2020-04-12 2:31 PM
Hello Nicolas
I've tried creating new project and got the same error, but it disappeared after generating code with TouchGFX
Here is the project, it compiles and runs without any issues
2020-04-13 8:49 AM
I did manage to flash it on the board.
I am nevertheless getting compilation errors after I modified slightly the TouchGFX app from TouchGFX Designer, re-generated the code and refreshed CubeIDE project: no rule to make target Screen1Presenter.cpp . It seems like I'm having some makefile issues, although I can clearly see the rules to make Screen1Presenter.cpp in the corresponding subdir.mk file included in the makefile.
Also, TouchGFX Designer's Run Target feature is not working on this board for me, perhaps because of the necessity of external flash loader?
I opened a post for further debugging: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W000004jkOPSAY/compilation-error-after-integrating-cubeide-130-cubemx-56-touchgfx-413-for-an-app-on-stm32f769-disco
2020-04-30 3:14 AM
Hi @NSAUX.1,
Still having issues?