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Error message when trying to Run.

Associate II

0693W00000YAqGgQAL.pngI would appreciate any help

ST Employee

Hello @JLeni.1​ ,

Could you please share your .ioc file and more details about used version?

Does this error occur when generating a ready-to-use example with STM32Cube firmware package or generating code via CubeMX?

Check also the include paths of your project that are set up correctly.


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".

Hi @Imen DAHMEN​ 

When I run a project by generating code via CubeMX it builds the project too but it will not run, the project I am working on wont build due to a linker script error but ill address that issue myself later. I have attached the ioc file that will successfully build.

Essentially what i am trying to do is to edit the source files in CubeIDE and successfully run the project, I have asked my lectures for help with integrating TouchGFX and CubeIDE but none of them have much experience with cubeIDE or TouchGFX Do you think it is better the just use TouchGFX by itself and add my own code in the interaction section instead of trying to integrate CubeIDE with TouchGFX? so far TouchGFX is working fine but i fear it wont be able to do more complex things like reading voltage values without CubeIDE.

To be honest some of this stuff is over my head so i really do appreciate the help




I am a bit confused by your error message, are you trying to open TouchGFX within STM32CubeIDe from the error message ? What do you mean by integrating STM32CubeIDE and TouchGFX exactly ?

TouchGFX Designer is a tool of its own, you can use it to generate code and then use STM32CubeIDE to run the entire program and flash it on target.

The TouchGFX Board Setups (so the examples) available on TouchGFX Designer all will generate TouchGFX projects along STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeMX projects. You just need to double click on the .cproject file in the <project name>/STM32CubeIDE/ folder that is generated and nothing else.

