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error message saying : OSWrappers.hpp dose not exist, what to do?

Associate II

hi, i have been trying to develop a touch based project in my STM32F7508-DK,

i created a project of a simple switch turning on and off , using STM32IDE and TouchGFX

but while trying to build the project i got an error message saying : OSWrappers.hpp dose not exist what to do


Move the file to the "Inc" folder or add the directory of the file to your include directories.

Oh, I see this is TouchGFX stuff. Not real sure. Seems you're not alone:

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Alexandre RENOUX


Could you try generate with CubeMX instead of CubeIDE ?

Also, if you use the Application Template for F750-DK in Designer, it should work just fine.

Please provide the steps you did to reach this problem.


why in CubeMX instead of CubeIDE? CubeIDE is not yours recommended app?

This is only my opinion, but I've always been working with CubeMX and CubeIDE separately and it worked just fine.

Working with CubeIDE for everything was not efficient and to me felt kind of buggy. Therefore, for productivity purpose I never switched to CubeIDE.

And from my experience and problems that I see from people, I think this is better.

So yes, I believe we (meaning ST) are pushing people towards CubeIDE (again not a good idea in my opinion) but please try to use CubeMX to see if you still have the problem.


Associate II


i tried using cubeMX but the same error is showing


Could you tell me all the steps you did ?

Along with it, could you enclose your project here, removing all the unnecessary files to have a small size archive ?


Chief III

TouchGFX Designer only knows what project to update by looking in the .ioc file. So make sure that the IDE you're using is specified in the .ioc file as current IDE. e.g. If i were to select EWARM in CubeMX as default ide, save, generate code with TouchgFX, only the EWARM project would be updated with files, include paths, etc.


i am sorry for the delay , i was concentrated some other projects during this time,

i found a video on youtube and followed those steps

this is the link to the video