2021-08-13 4:11 AM
When I create the project on Touch-GFX and then import the project to the the STM32 Cube IDE , it build fine but when I run the program on the STM32F7508-D board it just becomes a white blank screen. When I click on the reset button it goes back to what it was last programmed to. It looks like it is not writing to the flash or something. Its an issue that is only board specific by the looks of it, since I have tried doing the same on the STM32F769I-DISCO and it works fine ?
2021-08-13 6:15 AM
Should be a materially similar board to the STM32F746G-DISCO
Check the build addresses, perhaps via .MAP as a result of .LD settings
Find .HEX or .ELF and program via STM32 Cube Programmer, determine if that errors or fails in some way. The F750 supposedly has less memory, so will like need to use the External Loader to get the code flashed into the QSPI memory device(s)
But if the experience is broken, ST probably should test/document the limitations and methods employed by default in the tools.
2021-08-17 6:29 AM
I tried to create a new project from the STM32 IDE making sure all I set the IOC file is set up as what is done when the project is generated from TouchGFX. However, then I realised that some files were missing such as BSP drivers and also the gcc folder. After adding these files, the project build fine, however, it still doesn't seem to flash properly.
I also tried, what was mentioned above, my using STM32 Cube Programmer to program using the .hex files, but same issue exists.
2021-08-18 9:41 PM
Hello PMold.1,
I believe the F750-DK Board Setup project is available in TouchGFX Designer. Have you tried this project on your board ?
You can base yourself on this project to understand exactly what could be the problem.
2021-08-19 2:59 AM
Hi Alexandre,
Yes, the project works fine when I run the target from the TouchGFX.
However, when I use STM32 Cube IDE to run on the target or even debug, I get the above error.
2021-08-19 9:01 PM
Hello PMold.1,
Are you saying that the F750-DK Board Setup project does not work on CubeIDE ?
For the F750-DK, the MCU F750 is considered flashless which means that the code is directly saved in the external memory.
So if your external loader is correct and your code as well, the board should work (like I believe the Board Setup does).
But you will not be able to debug because the debugger cannot debug code from external memory.
It's something that came up several times on the forum (see this post and this post)
Sorry for the inconvenience
2021-08-20 2:09 AM
Hi Alexandre,
Thank you for letting me know as to why the debugging does not work.
However, is there a reason as to why the F750-DK board set up doesn't work with the IDE.
When you open the project that is created by TouchGFX, the IDE will open up the project in the STM32 IDE folder. It builds completely fine and when I run on target it says complete, however, the screen is just a plain white screen.
2021-08-23 3:37 PM
Hello PMold.1,
CubeIDE does not work with F750-DK when it comes to debugging.
What I suggest is to build the project with CubeIDE and then download using CubeProgrammer. This methods works. This also means that debug is not possible.
I don't have the board with me so I cannot test myself but a colleague tested that debugging works with IAR. We will try to see how we can make CubeIDE work also for debugging.